Is it possible for teens to have Hysterical Pregnancy?

Q. I am a virgin so don't suggest I'm actually pregnant.

I started my first period in July and haven't got one since. I spotted a little in September but that was it. And at random times during the day I feel nauseous.

There is no possibiltity that I am actuallly pregnant but stil.. Those symptoms are very strange. So is it possible for a teen to experience hysterical pregnancy? Especially if you are curious about what itis like to be pregnant. If not what's going on..?

A. It is possible for a teenager to have a false pregnancy, however, it is usually brought on by the actual possibility of being pregnant, or some other psychological thing.
You probably just have irregular periods, and your other symptoms are due to something else and most likely not related at all.
So, go see your doctor! They can put you on birth control to help regulate your periods. I was on birth control well before I lost my virginity for this very reason. My periods were irregular. And actually, the hormones can help to make your periods less heavy, they can make you get less cramps and bloating, too. I think being on birth control to regulate your menstrual cycle is a great thing!
Don't worry that you're having a false pregnancy. I'm sure that everything you're going through is normal and you are just psyching yourself out. So relax, talk to your parents, talk to a doctor, and enjoy better periods!

Can you have linea nigrea during a hysterical pregnancy?
Q. HI every1, just have a question: i have had irregular periods ever since my miscarriage last year. i finally got a period last month and it lasted on and off for about 3 weeks. now i'm getting a really bloated belly, headaches, backaches, breast pain, linea nigrea, nausea and tiredness. i haven't gotten my period yet and i should have about two weeks ago. my belly is very bloated and yet i have lost 1 pound and my weight hasn't gone up at all. i also noticed that my pants do not fit anymore. i do not use protection with my husband other then the withdrawl method. but we truly did not think i could get pregnant with my irregularity. does this sound like a pregnancy or can you get the line and symptoms if your having a hysterical pregnancy? i also have hpv and precancer on my cervix, so i really didn't want to get pregnant now. i wanted to wait till i was ready.

A. Take a test. HPV and the cervical changes it causes will not harm the baby as long as your OB is prepared for it. Since cervical cancer is so slow growing and low grade changes usually resolve on their own, pregnancy and holding off treatment during it will most likely not harm you.

What are symptoms of hysterial pregnancy?
Q. So these are symptoms I don't normally have & am having now:
Sensitive breasts
Lower back pain
Near constant nausea (at times)
Sensitivity to smells
Irregular cramping

Are these all normal? I wanna be preg but know I am not is this like a mild case of hysterical pregnancy?

A. The symptoms of pregnancy and hysterical pregnancy are identical, although hysterical pregnancy symptoms may start sooner. If you're getting the symptoms more than 4 or 5 days before your period is due you can be reasonably certain that they're not legitimate pregnancy symptoms, as it takes that long for your body to even realize it's pregnant and start producing HCG.

What were your symptoms of pregnancy at 5 weeks?
Q. What were your symptoms at 5 weeks. I feel like I'm having a hysterical pregnancy or something. I have taken multiple hpts and they are all positive, and my period is MIA, but I have few other symptoms. No puking, no tender nipples, etc. My actual breasts are sore but no more than if I was PMSing, and I'm emotional. Am I on the right track? Is it too early on for me to be having those other symptoms?

A. None.

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