Could i be pregnant if i used the pull out method twice in one day?

Q. Me and my boyfriend used the pull out method and he thinks he may have pre came in me the first time. Then we went to sleep and woke up and had sex again. It has been about a week since and I am starting to experience signs of pregnancy: (headaches, cravings, sore swollen breats, tired all the time, always very hungrary). What are the chances I could be pregnant?


What are some remedies for headaches for a pregnant woman?
Q. I know Tylenol is safe, but I'm just not comfortable taking it...

I have a very severe headache. Before pregnancy, my headaches will not go away, no matter what, for days, until I take pain relief medications. I'm feeling that it's the same now that I'm pregnant - but I don't want to take Tylenol. Also, this is the first time I get a headache since I got pregnant, I'm 11 weeks.

A. You would be perfectly safe taking tylenol...why torture yourself!!

I've always gotten severe migraines, so when i was pregnant, my doc said if 1000mg of tylenol doesn't work, I could take motrin, but just 1.

Try a hot bath...or lay down in a dark room and listen to some soft music..

Hope something helps!!

What do you do for those awful pregnancy headaches?
Q. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and I get a headache almost daily. My doc says it's ok to take Tylenol, but that has never helped. I have always taken Excedrin and it works like a dream. Now that I'm pregnant, I have taken it a few times, but I know I can't take it daily. What the heck can I do? I have always had headaches, but always been able to take something that knocks them out to. What do you do?

Oh-laying down is not an option as I work full time (secretary) and have 3 more children when I get home. Thanks!
So I called my OB--he called in a prescription for Darvocet..I really questioned him on how on earth this could be safer than excedrin and he was very adimant about not taking aspirin of any kind..alrighty I know.

A. Ask you doctor. They might give you a prescription that is stronger but safe for the baby.

How do pregnancy tests work?
Q. I had sex about 3 weeks ago and the condom broke. I recently started feeling the typical signs of pregnancy; nauseous, headaches, tender breasts, cramps, bloating, mood swings, insomnia, loss of concentration, cravings, as well as the typical pregnancy discharge. I'm buying a pregnancy test tomorrow but I heard that I won't get results until the time my regular period should come... I feel like shit and I can't wait that long.

Or maybe this whole pregnancy thing is in my head?

A. If you don't wait that long you could get a false negative.

Pregnancy tests measure the amount of HCG in your urine, when a woman becomes pregnant she starts to produce HCG, the hormone doubles every 2-3 days so it's best to wait until you miss your period for 2 reasons.

Reason 1 is because you might get your period on time and you wasted money and time testing too early. Reason 2 there might not be enough HCG in your urine to be detected on a hpt because it starts of with a small amount and increases overtime.

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