What's the difference between an ectopic pregnancy and a ruptured ectopic pregnancy?

Q. The question above speaks for itself but here are some further questions. What are the pain differences? Would it be a noticeable difference where you can't bear it or would the symptoms gradually get worse and kind of be flashes of pain? How far into the ectopic pregnancy until it's likely to rupture? Please&ThankYou.

A. A friend of mine had an ectopic pregnancy in which her fallopian tube ruptured and had to be removed.

I believe she was 9-10 weeks along.

You would KNOW if your fallopian tube ruptured. You would be in unspeakable, unbearable pain. If you were having an ectopic pregnancy, you'd be feeling intense, sharp pains on one side of your lower abdomen.

If you think you're having one, go to the ER, ASAP. They aren't anything to play around with. It needs to be removed right away!!

How soon can an ectopic pregnancy be detected?
Q. Every online health site says that I have the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. It's only been about two weeks since my last period. I have a pain in my lower left side and it feels really hard, like a bump or something. The pain moves to my lower back and my upper abdomen from time to time, but it generally stays in the my side, and it's there constantly. I also noticed that it feels worse when I cough or sneeze. Anyone have any input as to what this could be?

A. Not enough time. They are looking closer to two or three MONTHS, not weeks

You can't even be certain if you've implanted

How often does an ectopic pregnancy occur?
Q. And what are the symptoms and/or what problems could occur durig the ectopic pregnancy?

A. I heard that ectopic pregnancies are not too common. The only symptom that I know of during this kind of pregnancy is bleeding. Other then your regular period I mean. And you could also have a internal bleeding which could cause serious problems.

Did anyone else fear a ectopic pregnancy and it ended up to be fine?
Q. I'm 5/5 weeks pregnant and I'm scared of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. This isn't my first pregnancy but I feel like I forgot everything with the last. I've had one miscarried (prior to my son) and don't have any of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy but scard to death.

Was anyone else like this?
Thanks everyone, you guys calmed my nerves!

A. Yup! I'm currently pregnant with my first and I was very nervous it would end up being an ectopic pregnancy. But that fear seems totally valid with EVERY pregnancy. The biggest thing to remember is that ectopic pregnancies hurt. (At least that's what my doctor told me.) My friend had an ectopic pregnancy, she didn't even know she was pregnant, but they discovered when she was hopitalized with horrible pain. So as long as you aren't experiencing any major pain you should be just fine. =)
Congrats on the baby!

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