Q. The other day I dreamed that I was giving birth to twins.
The next day i dreamed that someone tried to cut my baby out of me and sell it.
Then last night I dreamed that i gave birth to a baby girl but then she turned into a little boy later on in the dream. What in the world is going on? Does anyone else have weird pregnancy dreams also?
The next day i dreamed that someone tried to cut my baby out of me and sell it.
Then last night I dreamed that i gave birth to a baby girl but then she turned into a little boy later on in the dream. What in the world is going on? Does anyone else have weird pregnancy dreams also?
A. It is totally normal to have weird dreams and/or nightmares during pregnancy. It dosen't mean anything other than your hormones are going wild. Hang in there, your dreams will go back to normal after baby gets here
Why am I having so many pregnancy dreams at such a young age?
Q. I've been having pregnancy dreams since I was 13, I'm now 16 and I'm a lesbian. Never have I had sexual intercourse with a man. So me being pregnant would be impossible. I plan on working in the o.b. part of hospitals when I'm older, but what would that have to do with me being pregnant? I've had about 6 or 7 dreams, 5 times out of those I've been expecting a girl. Never fully pregnant or in labor though. I definitely want kids in the future though. What does this mean?
Is it normal to have pregnancy dreams if you're pregnant?
Q. For the last past days/nights I've been having some crazy pregnancy dreams about me holding my stomach and people telling me about being pregnant.
A. I would say so. I have dreams all the time about being pregnant and the baby doing weird things that it obviously wouldn't. I also had dreams about what gender the baby was going to be because I was going to have my ultrasound and in my dream it was a boy. I found out today I am having a boy! Yay :)
Did you have pregnancy dreams? If so, when did they occur and how often?
Q. I had a dream that I was in the hospital and I conceived a healthy baby boy but the baby and it seemed so real...Is it common to have pregnancy dreams? If yes, when does it occur and how often? I'm in the 2nd month of trying to conceive and in the 2 week waiting period and just wondering is this a common sign of pregnancy?
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