What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?

Q. What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy? Would you feel the pains early on like before missed period? How severe are the pains and are they only felt on one side?

A. I had an ectopic 2 years ago. symptoms are should pain, pain concentrated on one side, and cramping. You may have only one or you may have them all. If you think it is ectopic you need to see a doctor right away. if your tube bursts you could die from internal bleeding. Personally I had no symptoms until the end where I started bleeding and my doctor thought I was just having a miscarriage. He scheduled me for a d&c and laporscopy and on the day of my surgery my tube started to burst. I had no pain or symptoms only that I started to have signs of a miscarriage. Please be safe and see a doctor. It is not worth the chance. Also, having an ectopic does not ruin your chances of ever conceiving a healthy baby so don't be discouraged if it happens. Like I said I had an ectopic 2 years ago and I am pregnant with a healthy baby now. We are 19 weeks pregnant. It may take longer but the reward is so worth the wait and I would not change anything!

How do you know if your having an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. how do you know if your having an ectopic pregnancy if you have a negative pregnancy test but you miss your period and have been nauseous, vomiting, and pain on one side of your lower abdomen.

A. There are at least three reasons I can think of off the top of my head.
Ectopic pregnancy
Appendicitis if on right side
Ovarian cyst

The best thing for you to do is to go to the doctor and get checked out. Ectopic pregnancies are dangerous, but many of them miscarry without help, and you'd have to be several weeks into pregnancy for one to rupture, aka, life-threatening. You will need to get it removed if it's found, either via medication or surgery.

I've had appendicitis, and the symptoms for that tend to get worse over time, and don't let up. If you have pain that gets worse over time, you have some cause for concern. This can be appendicitis, cyst, ectopic preg, etc.

Ovarian cysts... I've had a few. They suck; most of them are benign. Most of them either resolve within 1-3 months, or you have a doctor remove them due to health risks, or they burst. Which has some risks, but honestly, it's not terribly life-threatening, as long as you're not showing signs of infection. It just hurts like a bear. You will want to get them looked at, and track them, and REST when you feel in pain (it will get worse if you don't), but they're generally not a huge deal if you know what's going on with them. You may need surgery to remove them, as there are risks to your ovary and your innards in general. Laparoscopy is better than the traditional surgery, btw, for any of these procedures.

Good luck. Get it checked out, but until you have cause to worry, don't. Relaxing makes it better.

Will nipples get larger and darker in an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I have been paranoid my pregnancy is Ectopic, but my nipples have gotten darker and larger over the last few days. Is this a good sign or will that happen in an Ectopic pregnancy as well?

A. Why do you think your having an ectopic pregnancy? Anyway if you were you would get all the normal symptoms but a lot of pain in one side of the abdomen, usually it has to be removed as soon as it's discovered. But yes your nipples would get as dark and as large as if you had a healthy pregnancy.

How many weeks were you, when you found out you had an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I had an ectopic pregnancy last year in February, I had to have one of tubes removed. I finally got a positive test, im about 6 weeks pregnant. Im just hoping its not another ectopic!!! Would I be feeling any pains by now???? I dont remember how far along I was when I had the surgery.

A. I experienced an ectopic February 2008 also-here's my experience:

On Feb 12th (at 5 weeks) I started with mild cramps and brown spotting. It went away for 2 days. On Feb 14th I had menstrual-style cramps and moderate red bleeding. They drew blood and my HcG was really low (81) and I was told that I was miscarrying. They monitored my HcG and it continued to rise, but not double. My bleeding stopped after about 4 days. I was hopeful that maybe they were wrong and I wasn't miscarrying.

On Feb 21, they did an sonogram and saw nothing in my uterus or tubes.

A few days later (Feb 24) the bleeding started again. The emergency room told me I was at the end of a miscarriage. My HcG was at 650.After a sonogram, they said my uterus was empty, not knowing much I went home. They missed something big.

Within 2 days of my first ER visit (Feb 26) I went to the ER again with SEVERE cramping on my left side. UNBEARABLE pain!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't emphasize that enough-it was the worst paine ever. My pregnancy always felt normal, then bleeding/cramping, then the stabbing pain. All in progression. My HcG was at 857 the day it ruptured. They did a sonogram and I was rushed into emergency surgery for an ectopic rupture.

If the HcG is rising and doubling every 2-3 days, that is a GREAT sign!

If it is dropping, you are most likely miscarrying.

If it is rising, but NOT doubling every 2-3 days, you most likely are ectopic.

HOPEFULLY everything is fine. Red blood will be a bad sign.

I was about 6 1/2 weeks when mine was discovered...I think the range is 5-8 weeks.

I wish you luck.

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