So I just took a pregnancy test ten minutes ago and faint positive?

Q. I read it within 3 minutes and it came out with a faint positive. I do not know what to do because i have the implanon in my arm atm and I am convinced that its a hysterical pregnancy. Idk what to do what should I do? Im taking a test tomorrow morning right when i get up would that be better? Any advice would be helpful.


Where do you get pregnancy twinges?
Q. This is all hypothetical. I don't think I am but I have some undeniable symptoms so maybe hysterical pregnancy?
The sex would've been a little over a month ago. I have been having twinges about 3 centimeters below my navel, slightly to the right. What could this be if not pregnancy? i don't think it could be seems too high.


What causes a hysterical pregnancy?
Q. My boyfriend passed away on 6/9 within that week I got my period it was a little longer than usual. A couple of weeks after I started feeling nausea and took a test it was negative. Now here it is july and I'm late, my stomach feels weird at times I haven't taken another test yet I wanted to go to the doctor if I don't get it by 8/1..I was wondering if this could be a hysterical pregnancy due to the stress I've been under?

A. I think its stress. I could be wrong but I think hysterical preg. is when you think you're preg. like you think you feel the baby moving and stuff like that. You start to get ready for a baby that is not coming.
I am deeply sorry about your loss.

Why is my shrimp carrying around sand and hording food and dead fishes?
Q. My shrimp is carrying around volcanic sand like it's eggs and has been stealing away pellets. Today it took a dead fish (before we got to it) and dragged it around. Not sure if it was eating it..though it hid away somewhere for a while before dragging it around again.
Does this shrimp have hysterical pregnancy or something?

A. He is nesting, that is what they do.

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