What are the best and worst pregnancy myths you ever heard?

Q. Any of them, baby gender, myths while carrying, just any.

Thank you.

A. Worst-You can determine your baby's gender by the position of sexual intercourse and you can predict it by how you are carrying.

The worse the morning sickness, the more likely it is you're having a girl.

If you raise your arms above your head while pregnant (as when you are hanging up clothes on a clothesline), the baby will get the cord wrapped around its neck.

If you get a lot of heartburn during pregnancy, your baby will have a lot of hair.

To keep your unborn child safe, avoid sex and exercise during pregnancy

You should not touch your cat while pregnant

If the weather is stormy or the moon is full, you are more likely to go into labor, even if you are weeks away from your due date.

Why is it considered bad luck to name a baby before it is born?
Q. I have heard many times that it is bad luck to name a baby before its' birth, and that this superstition is very common in the Jewish culture. Can anyone offer some insight into the origins of this bit of pregnancy myth?

A. I think it's just a general superstition, and isn't just in the Jewish culture. If you name a baby before it's born and it dies before or during birth it's kind of like you cursed it to die. Same with getting a crib before your first trimester is up..

Food questions? Do mints really help with nausea? And is eating deli meat really that big of a deal?
Q. There are so many pregnancy myths and wive's tales its unreal! Just wanna know whats really true from other moms. Im almost 8w pregnant with #1 and I honestly want a Jimmy Johns sandwich so bad I could cry about it. Which I probably will! And as for the mints its what everyone's telling me because I have pretty bad nausea in the evenings.

A. mints help, sour things help, not letting your stomach get empty by eating small meals and snacks helps. and I ate deli meat with all my pregnancies, as long as you aren't eating it every day constantly, you should be fine. It is dangerous because there can be bacteria. If the meat is heated by toasting it, or microwaving, it is completely fine. and jimmy johns is awesome :)

How effective is the mini pill?
Q. How effective is the mini pill?
I've read on this site that it's 80 percent: http://www.helpingteens.org/articles/sex-sexuality-pregnancy/myths-people-use-to-get-sex-information-on-contraception-protection.html

Appearently, it's because girls under 20 are super fertile... and my girlfriend is 15. However, I've read on other sites that it's like 99 percent, I don't know about teenagers. Is the effectiveness also 99 percent when you are 15? Please answer this question if you really know, this is serious :)


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