Q. I'm around 1-2 months pregnant and I have an ear infection and it hurts a lot so I'm wondering if its safe to take ibuprofen??
A. Its not bad during the first 2 months - most Dr.'s will say Tylenol only so that you don't forget and continue to take it when you're not suppose too which is during the 3rd trimester.
Use of the drug in 3rd trimester causes constriction of pulmonary artery to aorta ductus arteriosus with subsequent pulmonary hypertension and oligohydramnios by affecting fetal renal function. It also Inhibits labor, prolongs pregnancy.
Use of the drug in 3rd trimester causes constriction of pulmonary artery to aorta ductus arteriosus with subsequent pulmonary hypertension and oligohydramnios by affecting fetal renal function. It also Inhibits labor, prolongs pregnancy.
what tablets can i use for a migraine in early pregnancy?
Q. Ive started with a migraine, but i don't know what tablets i can use before i start being sick etc! Which tablets are safe to use in early pregnancy?
A. During early pregnancy, you can take acetaminphen (tylenol) and also ibuprfen (motrin or advil). Most doctors will tell you to only take Tylenol, as ibuprofen is not safe during the third trimester. But during the first trimester they are equally safe to take.
What types of suppliments and medicines are not good to take with a birth control pill?
Q. I have heard ibuprofen and some others? Does anyone know the full list?
A. Unfortunately, there probably isn't a full list available out there, since there is very little research done on this subject.
Quoted from vaginapagina dot com:
What can interfere with my HBC?
When taking any medication, it's always a good idea to discuss possible HBC interactions with your doctor or your pharmacist. Some online sources, such as this report from the UK's Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit (links to PDF document) and this drug interaction checker are also good starting points.
Prescription Medications and Herbal Supplements
A brief overview of the basics:
Antibiotics--The antibiotics rifampicin and rifabutin have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of most hormonal contraceptives, though they don't appear to reduce the effectiveness of Depo Provera or the Mirena IUD. The evidence for other antibiotics is inconclusive, so it's best to discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist, and/or to use a backup method "just in case." (Source: FFPRHC)
Anti-Epilepsy Medications--"Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitol, primidone, and topiramate all interact. (These drugs may also be used for control of bipolar disorder) Your doctor may recommend a high-dose pill, or a backup method." (VPer smallstar mentioned this in this comment, which is also supported by the FFPRHC)
Antifungals--Most (like the commonly prescribed fluconazole and OTC yeast infection treatments) will have no effect on HBC. However, the antifungal griseofulvin will. (FFPRHC)
Antiretrovirals--These are the drugs commonly used to treat HIV. Some of them will interact with HBC while some do not. Discuss specific medications with your doctor or pharmacist.
Barbiturates--Some barbiturates fall into the category of anti-seizure medications. However, some, such as butalbital (found in medications such as Fiorinal), can be found in muscle relaxers and/or medications to treat migraines. According to Health A to Z and other sources, barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Backup protection is recommended.
St. John's Wort--According to Contraception Online, there have been small studies done in the UK and in Sweden in which some women taking both St. John's Wort and oral contraceptive pills experienced breathrough bleeding and/or unintended pregnancies. Though these studies were small, it is generally recommended that women not combine the use of St. John's Wort and HBC if they are relying on HBC for cycle regulation or pregnancy prevention.
Other Drugs and Herbal Supplements--To be safe, check each product with a doctor, pharmacist or herbalist before beginning the new treatment.
Quoted from vaginapagina dot com:
What can interfere with my HBC?
When taking any medication, it's always a good idea to discuss possible HBC interactions with your doctor or your pharmacist. Some online sources, such as this report from the UK's Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit (links to PDF document) and this drug interaction checker are also good starting points.
Prescription Medications and Herbal Supplements
A brief overview of the basics:
Antibiotics--The antibiotics rifampicin and rifabutin have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of most hormonal contraceptives, though they don't appear to reduce the effectiveness of Depo Provera or the Mirena IUD. The evidence for other antibiotics is inconclusive, so it's best to discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist, and/or to use a backup method "just in case." (Source: FFPRHC)
Anti-Epilepsy Medications--"Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitol, primidone, and topiramate all interact. (These drugs may also be used for control of bipolar disorder) Your doctor may recommend a high-dose pill, or a backup method." (VPer smallstar mentioned this in this comment, which is also supported by the FFPRHC)
Antifungals--Most (like the commonly prescribed fluconazole and OTC yeast infection treatments) will have no effect on HBC. However, the antifungal griseofulvin will. (FFPRHC)
Antiretrovirals--These are the drugs commonly used to treat HIV. Some of them will interact with HBC while some do not. Discuss specific medications with your doctor or pharmacist.
Barbiturates--Some barbiturates fall into the category of anti-seizure medications. However, some, such as butalbital (found in medications such as Fiorinal), can be found in muscle relaxers and/or medications to treat migraines. According to Health A to Z and other sources, barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Backup protection is recommended.
St. John's Wort--According to Contraception Online, there have been small studies done in the UK and in Sweden in which some women taking both St. John's Wort and oral contraceptive pills experienced breathrough bleeding and/or unintended pregnancies. Though these studies were small, it is generally recommended that women not combine the use of St. John's Wort and HBC if they are relying on HBC for cycle regulation or pregnancy prevention.
Other Drugs and Herbal Supplements--To be safe, check each product with a doctor, pharmacist or herbalist before beginning the new treatment.
Is it safe to take Zoloft during pregnancy?
Q. I recently discovered that I'm pregnant. I'm about 6 weeks right now. I've been taking 50 milligrams of Zoloft for a few months now. I've tried asking my OB-GYN, but she doesn't really want to talk until my next appointment, but that's not for another two weeks. Also, is Ibuprofen safe?
A. instead of taking ib profen take tylenol.
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