Is it to early to take a home pregnancy test?

Q. I think i might be having early pregnancy spotting but i don't know for sure is it to early to take a home pregnancy test???? If it is to early when should i take a home pregnancy test????

A. Too early is when you test more than 5 days before your expected period or 14 days after unprotected sex

Its best to wait until you MISS a period to take a test

What is the difference between "spotting" and a normal period?
Q. So, I'm trying to get pregnant. I may be over-zealous. Whenever I go to look what the early signs of pregnancy are, spotting is one of the signs.

How heavy is spotting? Can it look like a normal period? Act like a normal period?

A. While spotting can be a sign of early pregnancy, few women actually experience this. You shouldn't use this as a basis for possible fertilization. But none the less, "spotting" is not going to feel like your period. You may experience some slight cramps with it but not the "flow" feeling of blood leaving your body. You know how you can tell you have started overnight, or the way you know you have leaked past a tampon. Spotting should be quick, and light colored. If not in a traditional splatters, it should not last more than a day and you should not soak through a pad in two hours. If you still want to speculate on the pregnancy before you get results try instead if you feel different. As spacey as that sounds, a woman can usually tell when her period is approaching. Do you still have that feeling like your period is about the begin? Or maybe you are more susceptible to smells, not overbearing but slightly. Good luck and remember to trust yourself, if are not spotting but having an actual menstrual cycle you know it even if you don't want to. I wish you the best.

When should I go to the hospital for early pregnancy spotting?
Q. I am 11 soon to be 12 weeks pregnant. Last night I started spotting and it has continued on to today. It is very light pinkish brown. Is this normal? Should I go to the emergency room and get it checked out or wait for my appointment in 3 days?

A. i have had both outcomes from spotting during pregnancy. my first pregnancy i started spotting at 12 weeks it was very light and brown. i went to the hospital straight away and they told me it was normal and they were not concerned because i had seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks,and the spotting wasnt heavy,and also my hcg levels were still rising. i wasnt convinced so i made them give me an ultrasound,i turns out i had a missed miscarriage and my baby had died at 9 weeks.
with this pregnancy i had spotting at 5,7,9,11 weeks and everytime i went and got an ultrasound i turned out the baby was healthy and alive.
its really not worth taking the chance when it comes to any type of bleeding or spotting. it can be normal but i would still go and get it checked asap.
good luck and i hope everything ok.

If implantation bleeding occurs how far along pregnant am I?
Q. Im pretty sure I am spotting. Ive had tons of pregnancy symptoms...last week a negative HPT. But today when i wiped i had brownish red spotting. Thought it was period....nothing more came out. If it is pregnancy spotting (which we are wanting another baby and having sex) how far along would I be, and when should I do a test again?

A. If this is the time you are supposed to have a period and it is late but with just spotting it could be implantation bleeding. I have never had it but you could be maybe four weeks pregnant if this is your first missed period. You could have conceived around the time you had your last period. Good luck

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