What kind of birth control pill should i ask my doctor about?

Q. I want a birth control pill that does the following:
HIGHLY effective at preventing pregnancy
Makes acne go away
DOES cause weight gain. I am underweight and have struggled with gaining weight all my life.
Preferably makes my periods only 3-4 days? And only have periods 4 times a year instead of once a month?

-I have never been on birth control before
-I have not had a child

A. All combined pills have a 99.8% efficacy. The only pill licenced for acne is Dianette. I would generalise that I am unhappy about any long term use of Dianette. There have been risk benefit concerns about its use for many years. These MUST at least be explained to any patient using it, in order that they can give informed consent that they still wish to take the drug.

The problem is that Dianette quadruples the risk of DVT, leg clots, which may fire off into the lungs and produce fatal emboli.


Also you need to be aware it only has a short use licence:

"Complete remission of acne is to be expected in nearly all cases, often within a few months, but in particularly severe cases treatment for longer may be necessary before the full benefit is seen. It is recommended that treatment be withdrawn 3 to 4 cycles after the indicated condition(s) has/have completely resolved and that Dianette is not continued solely to provide oral contraception. Repeat courses of Dianette may be given if the androgen-dependent condition(s) recur."

Yasmin is thought to improve acne in a similar way, but without the addition increase in clot risk, so that would be my choice.

What is the most pressing public health problem in Scotland?
Q. What do you think?I think it is binge drinking,alcoholism and drug abuse?What do you think has contributed to this problem and what measures do you think has the government and the NHS have taken to combat this problem.Have all the methods failed or is there still hope.Exact details and statistics welcome.

A. Drinking problems. It's deep rooted in Scottish behaviour and is now also a major problem in England. It is a huge social, as well as health problem. Targeting younger people with 'alcho-pops' is a cause. Years ago, when only beer & lager were easily accessible and affordable, people couldn't get so much alcohol into their systems as they can now, with the much stronger and sweeter drinks. They also have more money to spend than in the past so can afford to go out more often and drink more when they do go out.
The Government is waking up to this problem and I would expect more taxes imposed on alcohol in the future. More drink related legislation will be imposed too, with drinking in public places other than bars being outlawed.
The excessive drinking is closely linked to other social problems, such as violence, a sharp rise in sexual disease and unwanted pregnancies. People don't use common sense when drunk.

How long after delivery can a woman have vaginal surgery?
Q. Last year, my wife had our first child. She didn't get surgery to "fix" her in her vaginal area. She torn a little bit and they stitched her up. But from what I understand, the doctor mentioned surgery but she refused. Now she mentions that when he have intercourse, that it feels weird and that it feels loose. Is there anything she can do, would she have to wait for next pregnancy or is there surgery she can do now? Thanks for your mature and responsible answers.

A. Of course there is things that can be done, but i dont know if the NHS would do it? Get her to go see her GP :)

Can Indian women travel from India to the UK to give birth for free?
Q. because the NHS is free, i want to benefit from it, also i want to get the British citizenship for me and my baby and my husband also my mom.

Answer it.

A. No you cannot travel from India to the UK to give birth for free.

The NHS is only free for non UK residents for emergencies. A pregnancy is not considered an emergency.

f you are pregnant, you would not be granted a visa to travel anywhere near the due date UNLESS you have arranged for a private medical birth in the UK and have the documents and proof of funds as evidence.

It is a popular misconception that the NHS is free. It is not. UK residents pay through their National Insurance contributions and taxes for the privilege of non-charged health care. Basically if you don't pay in - you can't use the facility.

To access free NHS care you would need to be registered with a NHS doctor's surgery and to become registered, you would need to prove legal residence in the UK.

On the subject of British citizenship for your child, you are 27 years too late. Since 1 Jan 1983, anyone born in the UK must have a British parent or a parent legally settled in the UK to be British. Even if the child was able to claim British citizenship, it would give no rights to any other family member, even its mother, to British citizenship.

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Does anyone know about HCG levels before and after a partial molar pregnancy?

Q. i found out i had a partial molar pregnancy after my d and c. before the d and c my hcg level was at 166,000. two weeks after its still 5000. is it normal to still be so high? my doctor doesn't seem to know the answer to this question. the whole pmp is a big waiting game and i am just trying to find out more information.

A. I was googling something else and found this on Wiki:

Levels of hCG may be measured in the blood or urine. Most commonly, this is done as a pregnancy test, intended to indicate the presence or absence of an implanted embryo. Testing for hCG may also be done when diagnosing or monitoring germ cell tumors and gestational trophoblastic disease.

Most tests employ a monoclonal antibody, which is specific to the β-subunit of hCG (β-hCG). This procedure is employed to ensure that tests do not make false positives by confusing hCG with LH and FSH. (The latter two are always present at varying levels in the body, whereas the presence of hCG almost always indicates pregnancy.)

The urine test may be a chromatographic immunoassay or any of several other test formats, home-, physician's office-, or laboratory-based.[6] Published detection thresholds range from 20 to 100 mIU/ml, depending on the brand of test.[7] Early in pregnancy, more accurate results may be obtained by using the first urine of the morning when hCG levels are highest. When the urine is dilute (specific gravity less than 1.015), the hCG concentration may not be representative of the blood concentration, and the test may be falsely negative.
The serum test, using 2-4 mL of venous blood, is typically a chemiluminescent or fluorimetric immunoassay[6] that can detect βhCG levels as low as 5 mIU/ml and allows quantification of the βhCG concentration. The ability to quantitate the βhCG level is useful in the monitoring germ cell and trophoblastic tumors, followup care after miscarriage, and in diagnosis of and follow-up care after treatment of ectopic pregnancy. The lack of a visible fetus on vaginal ultrasound after the βhCG levels have reached 1500 mIU/ml is strongly indicative of an ectopic pregnancy.
As pregnancy tests, quantitative blood tests and the most sensitive urine tests usually detect hCG between 6 to 12 days after ovulation.[8]

Gestational trophoblastic disease like Hydatidiform moles ("molar pregnancy") or Choriocarcinoma may produce high levels of βhCG (due to the presence of syncytialtrophoblasts- part of the villi that make up the placenta) despite the absence of an embryo. This, as well as several other conditions, can lead to elevated hCG readings in the absence of pregnancy.

hCG levels are also a component of the triple test, a screening test for certain fetal chromosomal abnormalities/birth defects.

There's more but it's too long to post. Try the website below.

Molar pregnancy suspected after early miscarriage?
Q. I had a miscarriage when I was about 6 weeks along. Now, one month later, they are suspecting a molar pregnancy due to bleeding and increasing hcg levels.
The info that I have seen on the internet mostly deals with molar pregnancies that are 3-5 months along. I was wondering if anyone had one diagnosed this early, and what they went through.

A. I had mine when I was 3 months, but what they saw was grape like clusters on the ultrasounds and my HCG levels were extremely high. The important thing in any molar pregnancy is that you have a D&C (which your doctor will have you do anyways) and to be monitored for 6 months to a year after as molar pregnancies can (but dont always) lead to cancer. I was followed for 1 year after my molar pregnancy and was perfectly healthy. Good luck, I hope you dont have this as it can be very scary!

what questions should I be asking my dr about molar pregnancy?
Q. Is there things I should be doing or asking the dr about the molar pregnancy? is there somthing I should be doing that will lower my hcg level faster? Should I go have chest x-rays?

A. Is it a complete or incomplete mole? That means was it diploid (with the normal number of chromosomes-2, one from each parent) or triploid (three sets of chromosomes-one from mom, two from dad). With that answer should come some information about how likely it is to need long term monitoring.

One in a thousand pregnancies are molar pregnancies, some are blighted ova. Your physician will want to do sequential hCG levels at least until they get to normal, which should happen in about 2-3 weeks. Chest xrays are very safe as the amount of radiation you receive is very low, since the film is so sensitive.

I had one about 11 years ago, and had my daughter eight years ago. It is discouraging and disconcerting, but one day this too will be in your past, and you can advise others of your previous condition, and hopefully offer reassurance.

Best wishes.

What were your HCG levels when you had a molar pregnancy?
Q. There is a small chance that my dates weren't calculated correctly... but I believe I'm at 4 weeks (since last period) with a 4000 hcg... which is very very high. I'm obviously worried it's a molar pregnancy. Have you ever had a molar pregnancy? If so, what were your levels early on in pregnancy?
Thanks in advance. I have an ultrasound scheduled for this evening but I'm just trying to get through today. :(

A. I have had a molar pregnancy but i never knew what my levels were.

I had gone for my 12 weeks scan and they told me my baby had died at 6 weeks 6 days. i then ended up having a d&c and thats how they found out i had a molar pregnancy.

If they were worried about the levels they would have said something.

i wouldnt worry about molar pregnancy to much, it aint a common thing atall.

Just try and chill out and enjoy your pregnancy x

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How long should you wait to test after thinking you spotted?

Q. for pregnancy.
spotting like light period.. i had it a while ago...
but then i got a light period.

A. You can test as soon as the spotin stops really but always test 1st thing in the AM better readin then

Is all of a sudden being very hungry it makes you nauseous a sign of pregnancy?
Q. I have a few symptoms of pregnancy, spotting and had cramping 3 days ago, breasts being very sore, early today/yesterday i started to feel tired(i even took a 40min nap) now out of no where I got extremely hungry!!
I had dinner at 7pm, then a large snack at 10pm, and now at 1am I am so hungry I feel nauseous!!!
Had anyone else had this symptom early on in their pregnancy?
If pregnant I am between 3-4weeks. I start my AF in 6 days. I am also about 7dpo.


What could spotting in the middle of my cycle be?
Q. It started the day after me and my fiance had sex and he finished in me also 8 days after my period ended. It has lasted 5 days now no red at all just brown and enough for me to wear a liner. I really don't thing pregnancy spotting could happen the day after I had sex. Sorry I'm on my phone and can't edit questions.

A. No i don't think so. If it was ur first time. I always had that same feeling that way but it nvr came true for me. It might for u take a prenancy test.

How does pregnancy spotting look like?
Q. i am 4 days late on my period. it is not normal for me to be this late. i always know when it comes and its never been this late. i took a pregnancy test yesterday came out negative:/ idk if its a bit to early to test as i read online. me and my husband have been trying to conceive. i believe i am having some spotting and some cramps. but idk if it is spot from a pregnancy. the spotting is a lite pink and today i just got it a bit more heavy like a quarter size. then yesterdays. is it normal that i bleed that much?


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Is it normal to have diarrhea during pregnancy?

Q. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant, and in the past day I have had diarrhea. Its not too bad, but its starting to scare me. I don't mean to be gross but it is a lime green color. Almost the color of my urine due to prenatal vitamins. Should I be worried? Will it cause a miscarriage?

A. I had diarrhea the my entire first trimester...the only concern with the doctor is dehydration. But it's normal. As far as the color, it could be your pills doing it, but i would just let your doctor know, but i don't see any reason to worry.

I am 8 days late on my period and having diarrhea my pregnancy test was negative, could i still be pregnant?
Q. Like i said diarrhea for the past week. 8 days late, 2 tests were negative. taken 2 days ago.
have been having sore throat and headache
any ideas on what i should do?

A. I found a discussion about late period and diarrhea of Wiki. Here is ther first part of it:

Diarrhea and period like cramping are signs of pregnancy

�I have been feeling terrible for the last week. I have had bouts of diarrhea, greenish-black bowel movements (sorry), constant cramping, headaches, and slight nausea but haven't vomited. Also I haven't had a period in over 2 months. My periods are always irregular, usually skipping a week- month at a time, but never 2 months. I am heavy, so that could be the reason for no period. I have been exercising more regularly, but haven't in a couple weeks.

�Yes. I experienced both diarrhea and cramping. So, I decided to buy Imodium, and as a second thought, a pregnancy test. After taking 4 pregnancy tests, I was convinced that I was pregnant and did not have a stomach virus.
�I have the same thing! I am now 3 days away from receiving my AF, which hopefully won't come at all! My diarrhea is like greenish-black..sorry TMI!! I heard it could be something in the prenatal pills. You are right! It is most likely the iron in the pnv's
�I am not sure how to post on this board but so I am adding to this persons post... I just had to say that this is EXACTLY ME>>> I have had greenish black horrible diarrhea at 8dpo it followed a dip in my chart then my temps went up and major period cramps followed by horrible diarrhea for three days followed. I am like a day away from my flo day, so I am hoping this is indeed an early sign, I read that even though it is rare it does occur due to the increased progesterone on implantation.... so here is hoping this helps someone else out there looking for this answer.
�Well if this is prior to getting a positive test, Diarrhea can be a sign of increased progesterone... I had diarrhea with this last one and it was really awful. It started about a week before my period was due... the cramping could be part of the diarrhea... GL with what ever you want as an outcome :)

The rest is at the website below. Hope this helps.

Is it common for women that is pregnant to have diarrhea?
Q. I'm 20 years old and found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant and. I wanted to know is diarrhea common for pregnancy. And can you sleep on your stomach when you 6 weeks pregnant sorry for all the question my first baby.

A. Some digestive upset is normal in the first few months of pregnancy. Nausea is more common but diarrhea isn't unheard of. The important thing is to keep yourself very well hydrated if you're having issues with diarrhea. It should go away shortly as the hormones from early pregnancy settle out. If it doesn't stop soon I would go see your doctor. You can sleep on your belly for the first few months at least. When your belly starts getting in the way it's better to sleep on your left side but not your back because sleeping on your back puts pressure on your veins and can lead to decreased blood flow to the placenta. As long as you're comfortable on your tummy in the first few months then you're fine.

Is it normal to get stomach cramps and diarrhea during pregnancy?
Q. I am currently 4 and a bit weeks pregnant and have been getting stomach cramps for the last 4 weeks, it is tolerable...similar to menstrual pains. I have also experienced the last couple of days a bout of diarrhea which prior to opening my bowels has caused stomach pains but afterwards, it's all fine. My doc has suggested an ultrasound at 6 weeks as he says that getting an earlier scan will not see anything.
Has anyone experienced the same problem?

A. Generally these are signs of premature labor. being that early on I am not sure. If your Dr is not concerned about it than it should be fine.
I got cramps during the first trimester. It was the implanting of the fertilized egg. Then from the uterus stretching.

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Is it bad to take ibuprofen during pregnancy?

Q. I'm around 1-2 months pregnant and I have an ear infection and it hurts a lot so I'm wondering if its safe to take ibuprofen??

A. Its not bad during the first 2 months - most Dr.'s will say Tylenol only so that you don't forget and continue to take it when you're not suppose too which is during the 3rd trimester.

Use of the drug in 3rd trimester causes constriction of pulmonary artery to aorta ductus arteriosus with subsequent pulmonary hypertension and oligohydramnios by affecting fetal renal function. It also Inhibits labor, prolongs pregnancy.

what tablets can i use for a migraine in early pregnancy?
Q. Ive started with a migraine, but i don't know what tablets i can use before i start being sick etc! Which tablets are safe to use in early pregnancy?

A. During early pregnancy, you can take acetaminphen (tylenol) and also ibuprfen (motrin or advil). Most doctors will tell you to only take Tylenol, as ibuprofen is not safe during the third trimester. But during the first trimester they are equally safe to take.

What types of suppliments and medicines are not good to take with a birth control pill?
Q. I have heard ibuprofen and some others? Does anyone know the full list?

A. Unfortunately, there probably isn't a full list available out there, since there is very little research done on this subject.

Quoted from vaginapagina dot com:
What can interfere with my HBC?

When taking any medication, it's always a good idea to discuss possible HBC interactions with your doctor or your pharmacist. Some online sources, such as this report from the UK's Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit (links to PDF document) and this drug interaction checker are also good starting points.

Prescription Medications and Herbal Supplements

A brief overview of the basics:

Antibiotics--The antibiotics rifampicin and rifabutin have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of most hormonal contraceptives, though they don't appear to reduce the effectiveness of Depo Provera or the Mirena IUD. The evidence for other antibiotics is inconclusive, so it's best to discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist, and/or to use a backup method "just in case." (Source: FFPRHC)

Anti-Epilepsy Medications--"Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitol, primidone, and topiramate all interact. (These drugs may also be used for control of bipolar disorder) Your doctor may recommend a high-dose pill, or a backup method." (VPer smallstar mentioned this in this comment, which is also supported by the FFPRHC)

Antifungals--Most (like the commonly prescribed fluconazole and OTC yeast infection treatments) will have no effect on HBC. However, the antifungal griseofulvin will. (FFPRHC)

Antiretrovirals--These are the drugs commonly used to treat HIV. Some of them will interact with HBC while some do not. Discuss specific medications with your doctor or pharmacist.

Barbiturates--Some barbiturates fall into the category of anti-seizure medications. However, some, such as butalbital (found in medications such as Fiorinal), can be found in muscle relaxers and/or medications to treat migraines. According to Health A to Z and other sources, barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Backup protection is recommended.

St. John's Wort--According to Contraception Online, there have been small studies done in the UK and in Sweden in which some women taking both St. John's Wort and oral contraceptive pills experienced breathrough bleeding and/or unintended pregnancies. Though these studies were small, it is generally recommended that women not combine the use of St. John's Wort and HBC if they are relying on HBC for cycle regulation or pregnancy prevention.

Other Drugs and Herbal Supplements--To be safe, check each product with a doctor, pharmacist or herbalist before beginning the new treatment.

Is it safe to take Zoloft during pregnancy?
Q. I recently discovered that I'm pregnant. I'm about 6 weeks right now. I've been taking 50 milligrams of Zoloft for a few months now. I've tried asking my OB-GYN, but she doesn't really want to talk until my next appointment, but that's not for another two weeks. Also, is Ibuprofen safe?

A. instead of taking ib profen take tylenol.

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Is drinking herbal tea during pregnancy safe?

Q. I love herbal tea, but I read on a website it may not be okay to drink during pregnancy. They especially adviced to stay away from Chmomile, but I personally don't see any harm in it? Am I wrong?

A. When it comes to herbal teas you do have to be careful because some herbs are used for home abortions and to induce labour � herbs such as raspberry leaf, dong quai, blue cohosh and rue (natural oestrogenic and uterine contracting herbs).

As such depending on how far along you are some herbs may cause problems, although I doubt this is something you have to worry about particularly if you are not using these herbs for those purposes, but I would still say to play it safe with herbs � do not drink anything unless you know it is okay to do so, people think herbs are harmless but just because they are natural does not make it so.

There is a good guide for you here - http://www.earthmamaangelbaby.com/pregnancy_herbs.html

Camomile tea specifically, it is generally regarded as safe as per FDA say-so, although it can be used as a mild emmenagogue (stimulates menstruation by softening cervix) in herbal teas in the form of your bog standard tea bags the effects are too small to mention � it is only if you were making tea from the herb itself or in strong doses then it would be considered an emmenagogue that could theoretically be a minor issue to take into consideration with early or late stages of pregnancy.

Despite not being a professional I'd personally say it is safe, its calming affects are very beneficial during pregnancy, and the emmenagogue effects are minimal so not enough to cause problems, probably putting it along the same lines as parsley tea so considered safe during pregnancy, and certainly better than drinking normal black tea.

In simple terms � chamomile tea good, any other herb be careful!

Why does a woman not have a period during the term of her pregnacy?
Q. I'm studying about reproductive system in science and I got a question why woman does not have period during pregnancy. I just wonder why, anyone please help me out. Thanks a lot~~~

A. Menstruation is the lining of the uterus (Endometrium) shedding because the egg that dropped during ovulation was not fertilized. So when the egg it fertilized, the lining turns into the placenta which supports the embryo during pregnancy.
You can read this website :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endometrium

is bloating a possible sign for pregnancy?
Q. so, my girl and i had sex 17 days ago and her menstruation should start soon, but the thing is, that she is feeling bloated after eating even a little. i read, that during pregnancy, women get bloated (BUT does that happen in week 3) and also that before menstruation they get bloated after eating. so, can someone tell me if they get bloated during pregnancy after eating something, or that just happens? btw, she doesnt have morning sicknesses and she doesnt go to the bathroom more often than before.

A. Could be pregnancy, or it could be that her period is coming.

No way of knowing until her period is late. If it is, do a test.

What happens when the sperm reaches the egg during your period?
Q. Would your period slow down or get lighter because you dont usually go on your period during pregnancy...

A. The sperm wouldn't reach the egg during your period because you wouldn't ovulate during your period.

You can get pregnant from sex you have during your period because sperm can live in your body for several days under the right conditions, but you cannot ovulate while you're menstruating. The process of menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining. If you conceived during that time, the egg would have nothing to attach to and it wouldn't implant.

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Why is it considered bad luck to name a baby before it is born?

Q. I have heard many times that it is bad luck to name a baby before its' birth, and that this superstition is very common in the Jewish culture. Can anyone offer some insight into the origins of this bit of pregnancy myth?

A. I think it's just a general superstition, and isn't just in the Jewish culture. If you name a baby before it's born and it dies before or during birth it's kind of like you cursed it to die. Same with getting a crib before your first trimester is up..

Food questions? Do mints really help with nausea? And is eating deli meat really that big of a deal?
Q. There are so many pregnancy myths and wive's tales its unreal! Just wanna know whats really true from other moms. Im almost 8w pregnant with #1 and I honestly want a Jimmy Johns sandwich so bad I could cry about it. Which I probably will! And as for the mints its what everyone's telling me because I have pretty bad nausea in the evenings.

A. mints help, sour things help, not letting your stomach get empty by eating small meals and snacks helps. and I ate deli meat with all my pregnancies, as long as you aren't eating it every day constantly, you should be fine. It is dangerous because there can be bacteria. If the meat is heated by toasting it, or microwaving, it is completely fine. and jimmy johns is awesome :)

How effective is the mini pill?
Q. How effective is the mini pill?
I've read on this site that it's 80 percent: http://www.helpingteens.org/articles/sex-sexuality-pregnancy/myths-people-use-to-get-sex-information-on-contraception-protection.html

Appearently, it's because girls under 20 are super fertile... and my girlfriend is 15. However, I've read on other sites that it's like 99 percent, I don't know about teenagers. Is the effectiveness also 99 percent when you are 15? Please answer this question if you really know, this is serious :)


Question about pregnancy myth: Indigestion indicating a baby with lots of hair?
Q. I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first baby, a girl, and I already have pretty intense indigestion sometimes. And I keep hearing from women I know that this means that my baby will be born with lots of hair. Is there any truth to this? If so, what is the scientific reasoning behind it? At what gestation does a baby even begin to grow hair in the womb? Or is just another wives tale about pregnancy that doesn't really hold any water?

A. With my first, I had tons of indigestion during the last month throughout most of the night. She was 2 weeks late and had a very full, fairly long (3 inches long) coal black hair. She was absolutely beautiful! And still is!!

With my second, the indigestion started around the start of the 3rd trimester and lasted almost all day, every day....and night, I was sleeping sitting up to help ease the pain. He was born 2 weeks early and was so bald his head was shiny. He barely even had eyelashes and eyebrows!

My sister in law had quite a bit of heartburn along with an ultrasound that projected a 'halo' around the baby's head which she was told was lots and lots of hair. He had a small coating of peach fuzz.

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How does one differentiate between stomach pain from taking Plan B and stomach pain from an ectopic pregnancy?

Q. Stomach pain is a typical side effect of taking Plan B but there is also a small risk for an ectopic pregnancy, which has a symptom of stomach pain. How does one tell the difference? What other symptoms would indicate an ectopic pregnancy rather than just typical side effects of Plan B? Thanks.

A. Plan B prevents pregnancy just days after the woman has sex. An ectopic pregnancy takes just as long to implant as a normal pregnancy, 7-10 days. An ectopic pregnancy has pain located mostly on one side and may move to the center of the abdomen. It's extremely tender and the woman may have nausea and dizzyness. Hope that helps.

What were your symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I am sitting in the er worried I have an ectopic pregnancy. What were your symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy? I am supposedly 6 weeks but I have always had irregular periods

A. it is so much pain you will want to go to the dr.

How often does ectopic pregnancy occur without any symptoms?
Q. Could you point me to any scientific study. In what percentage of fallopian tube ruptures there were no symptoms of ectopic pregnancy (pain, bleeding).


What are the odds of having an ectopic pregnancy? What are the symptoms?
Q. I have this irrational fear of my pregnancy being ectopic. I don't even know how it got into my head, honestly. My boyfriend and I have been trying to get pregnant for the first time, this month. So, to ease my mind... what are the odds of having an ectopic pregnancy rather than a regular one? What are the symptoms? If you've ever had one, what was your experience?

I just want to stop worrying. If I do become pregnant, I know that stress isn't good.

A. hi :)

Im 22 weeks pregnant with my first and i had a suspected ectopic pregnancy,i had extremely bad cramping and kept passing out and i bled once so they took me into hospital but it turned out that the baby was fine.Once you hear that your baby is fine the worry fades away,its not irrational to feel the way you are feeling because it just sounds like you care so much!Don't get me wrong im not gunna say that i have no worries now at all but its just natural to worry that the little life inside you is happy and well.Dont stress just chill,the chance of you having a beautiful healty baby are very high!

good luck in your quest for pregnancy!

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Need some names of teenage pregnancy movies?

Q. i want to find some teenage pregnancy movies which are great to watch besides:
Mom at 16

and ones which don't go so far back like the 2000's..from 2003 onwards preferably. Thankx a lot!!!

A. Lifetime movie called "15 and pregnant"
You can also try to get the first season of "Secret Life of an American Teenager"
"For Keeps" was a good one with Molly Reinwald ironically, she plays the mom of the teen on "Secret Life of an American Teenager"

Movie that shows the downside to teenage pregnancy?
Q. I have 4 teenage girls that I am trying to teach decent morals to and I want to show them the downside to teenage pregnancy. The movie Juno made it look like no big deal. Can you recommend any?

A. how about..
15 And Pregnant
or the TV series: The Secret Life of an American Teenager

What are good pregnancy movies on netflix?
Q. adolescent pregnancy, birthing, anything to do with pregnancy.

A. Where the heart is

Any good lifetime movies to recommend?
Q. Preferably about teenagers.Or teen pregnancy movies, besides juno. Board and want something to watch

A. Thirteen, Labor Pains, Sorority Boys, Confessions of a Sorority Girl, Wild Child, Just my Luck, Crimes of Fashion, Monte Carlo, From Prada to Nada, New Best Friend, The Goonies.

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What are symptoms of hysterial pregnancy?

Q. So these are symptoms I don't normally have & am having now:
Sensitive breasts
Lower back pain
Near constant nausea (at times)
Sensitivity to smells
Irregular cramping

Are these all normal? I wanna be preg but know I am not is this like a mild case of hysterical pregnancy?

A. The symptoms of pregnancy and hysterical pregnancy are identical, although hysterical pregnancy symptoms may start sooner. If you're getting the symptoms more than 4 or 5 days before your period is due you can be reasonably certain that they're not legitimate pregnancy symptoms, as it takes that long for your body to even realize it's pregnant and start producing HCG.

What were your symptoms of pregnancy at 5 weeks?
Q. What were your symptoms at 5 weeks. I feel like I'm having a hysterical pregnancy or something. I have taken multiple hpts and they are all positive, and my period is MIA, but I have few other symptoms. No puking, no tender nipples, etc. My actual breasts are sore but no more than if I was PMSing, and I'm emotional. Am I on the right track? Is it too early on for me to be having those other symptoms?

A. None.

How can I tell if my dog is pregnant, at home?
Q. She either has hysterical pregnancy or the real deal. I lately noticed a real pregnancy belly on her and she is acting different. She has all the signs of being pregnant. Any way I can know for sure?

I will go to the vet. But can't go until Monday, unfortunately!

A. Instructions.
1. Pay close attention to your dog's eating habits. If she has a decreased appetite or isn't showing much interest in her favorite chow, this could be a sign of morning sickness.

2.Check for vaginal discharge, a common sign of pregnancy.

3. Notice if your dog has enlarged teats. A female dog's nipples will become engorged in preparation for nursing her pups.

4. Look for behavioral changes in your dog. If she is usually active and appears unusually tired, she may be pregnant. Appearing uncomfortable or signs of general unrest can be tell-tale signs as well.

5. Check your dog's stomach to see if it appears enlarged or swollen. This symptom occurs midway through the pregnancy. You may even be able to gently feel for the puppies as well.

6. Look for signs of "nesting," your dog's way of getting ready for the birth and aftercare of the puppies. She may scratch at the floor or the blankets as if to fluff them.

another one:

�Take note of changes in your dog's energy level. The first sign of canine pregnancy is that your dog will want to be left alone more than usual. She will feel really tired and lose interest in playing.

�2 Check to see if your dog's nipples are getting bigger. This can be a sign of a real or false pregnancy. Either one needs veterinary attention.

�3 Take your dog to your vet. The vet can do a non-invasive test called a "palpitation" when the puppies are 28 days old. An ultrasound would need to be done if the puppies are suspected of being younger than that.

�4 Watch for changes in your dog's eating patterns. When the puppies are about one month old, their mother's appetite will become enourmous. Her nipples will also become large and stay large. She should start showing a bump at this time. These are tell-tale signs that puppies are on the way.

�5 Watch her behavior as time goes on. When the third month of pregnancy approaches, Mom will look for dark, quiet, warm corners of your home to try and choose a place to make her nest. She might even drag her favorite toys to these places. You'd best make a nest for her and encourage her to go there.

�6 Take her temperature as the day gets close. Your dog will usually give birth (whelp) within 24 hours from when her temperature drops to 99 degrees F. (Her normal temperature should be 101 to 102 degrees F.)

So I just took a pregnancy test ten minutes ago and faint positive?
Q. I read it within 3 minutes and it came out with a faint positive. I do not know what to do because i have the implanon in my arm atm and I am convinced that its a hysterical pregnancy. Idk what to do what should I do? Im taking a test tomorrow morning right when i get up would that be better? Any advice would be helpful.


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what tablets can i use for a migraine in early pregnancy?

Q. Ive started with a migraine, but i don't know what tablets i can use before i start being sick etc! Which tablets are safe to use in early pregnancy?

A. During early pregnancy, you can take acetaminphen (tylenol) and also ibuprfen (motrin or advil). Most doctors will tell you to only take Tylenol, as ibuprofen is not safe during the third trimester. But during the first trimester they are equally safe to take.

What types of suppliments and medicines are not good to take with a birth control pill?
Q. I have heard ibuprofen and some others? Does anyone know the full list?

A. Unfortunately, there probably isn't a full list available out there, since there is very little research done on this subject.

Quoted from vaginapagina dot com:
What can interfere with my HBC?

When taking any medication, it's always a good idea to discuss possible HBC interactions with your doctor or your pharmacist. Some online sources, such as this report from the UK's Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit (links to PDF document) and this drug interaction checker are also good starting points.

Prescription Medications and Herbal Supplements

A brief overview of the basics:

Antibiotics--The antibiotics rifampicin and rifabutin have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of most hormonal contraceptives, though they don't appear to reduce the effectiveness of Depo Provera or the Mirena IUD. The evidence for other antibiotics is inconclusive, so it's best to discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist, and/or to use a backup method "just in case." (Source: FFPRHC)

Anti-Epilepsy Medications--"Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitol, primidone, and topiramate all interact. (These drugs may also be used for control of bipolar disorder) Your doctor may recommend a high-dose pill, or a backup method." (VPer smallstar mentioned this in this comment, which is also supported by the FFPRHC)

Antifungals--Most (like the commonly prescribed fluconazole and OTC yeast infection treatments) will have no effect on HBC. However, the antifungal griseofulvin will. (FFPRHC)

Antiretrovirals--These are the drugs commonly used to treat HIV. Some of them will interact with HBC while some do not. Discuss specific medications with your doctor or pharmacist.

Barbiturates--Some barbiturates fall into the category of anti-seizure medications. However, some, such as butalbital (found in medications such as Fiorinal), can be found in muscle relaxers and/or medications to treat migraines. According to Health A to Z and other sources, barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Backup protection is recommended.

St. John's Wort--According to Contraception Online, there have been small studies done in the UK and in Sweden in which some women taking both St. John's Wort and oral contraceptive pills experienced breathrough bleeding and/or unintended pregnancies. Though these studies were small, it is generally recommended that women not combine the use of St. John's Wort and HBC if they are relying on HBC for cycle regulation or pregnancy prevention.

Other Drugs and Herbal Supplements--To be safe, check each product with a doctor, pharmacist or herbalist before beginning the new treatment.

Is it normal to have bleeding a cramping during pregnancy?
Q. I am only 6 weeks along and I woke up with what i call "first day of period cramps" the annoying cramps you get when its your first day of your period but it isn't bad enough for ibuprofen some small bleeding that ( im sorry) i wiped, and when i wiped again the bleeding was gone. is this normal or should i call my doctor? its saturday my regular doctor office is closed.

A. I had cramps early in my pregnancies, and some spotting. Cramping is due to your uterus stretching. If it stopped, that's GREAT. Do NOT take ibuprofin when you are pregnant. Only tylenol for pain, unless otherwise directed. As for spotting, you could be dehydrated. While you're pregnant, concentrate on drinking lots of water. Decaf ice tea is fine, too. :)

How to help severe cramps after miscarriage?
Q. My g/f recently had a miscarriage, and has started having SEVERE cramps tonight. The doctor said this could last up to six weeks, but I can't stand her being in so much pain. She has already taken Ibuprofen, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.. I was wondering if this is because of the clots still being there, and any remedies people may know to ease her cramps from this?

A. During my last miscarriage last summer the cramps were absolutely unbearable. The cramps are caused by her body trying to expel the pregnancy tissue. My doctor gave me a week pain killer to help with the pain because I told him how bad it was. I think he ended up giving me hydrocodone? Tell her to ask, I'm sure they will be sympathetic.

Best wishes to both of you

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What tests and things need to be done during a pregnancy and one year after giving birth?

Q. I am doing a project for school and I need to know the cost of having a baby. I would like to know what tests and vaccinations need to be done during pregnancy and one year after giving birth.

A. That is alot of info. I posted a link to baby center. I used that alot when I was pregnant. The link lists all the test by trimesters.

I am sure if you use this site it will help with all your questions for your project.

Here is how that starts and I ONLY listed the first trimester:

"First trimester tests"
At your first prenatal visit, your practitioner will give you a thorough physical, including a pelvic exam. She'll do a Pap smear (unless you've had one recently) to check for abnormal cells, including cervical cancer. She may also do a culture to check for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Next, she'll order routine blood tests to identify your blood type and Rh status, and a blood count to check for anemia. She'll also have the lab test your blood for syphilis, hepatitis B, and immunity to German measles (rubella), and offer to test for HIV. (If your practitioner doesn't offer you an HIV test, be sure to ask about it. Being treated for HIV during pregnancy can dramatically reduce your chances of passing the infection to your baby.) In addition to taking blood, she'll ask for a urine sample to test for urinary tract infections and other conditions.

If you're at high risk for gestational diabetes, a glucose challenge test might be done at your first visit. In some cases, your provider will also do a skin test to see if you've been exposed to tuberculosis. And if you're not sure whether you've even had chicken pox (or been vaccinated against the virus), she'll order a blood test to check for immunity.

In addition, your caregiver may offer you genetic screening, such as a nuchal translucency screening (an ultrasound done at 10 to 12 weeks) or a first-trimester combined screening (an ultrasound and a blood test). These screening tests can give you some information about your baby's risk of having certain chromosomal problems and other birth defects. Another option is CVS, a prenatal genetic diagnostic test done between 10 and 13 weeks. Finally, depending on your ethnic background and medical history, you may have a blood test to see if your baby is at risk for sickle cell disease, Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, and certain other genetic disorders. "

GOOD LUCK and I hope you get an A+

Can anemia cause a false negative on a preganancy test?
Q. I am anemic and a few months ago i missed my period and have been having abdominal pain. I have only missed that one period and had the others regularly. I had heard anemia can cause false negatives and abnormal menstruation during pregnancy. I have had two pregnancy tests and both were negative. Could i possible be pregnant?

A. Hmm...Interesting question. I have never heard of this! I don't imagine it would cause a false negative because anemia has nothing to do with your hCG count. But, I am not an expert.

For the abnormal menstruation, that DOES make sense but not during pregnancy. If you are pregnant you should not be "menstruating". You can spot, or even bleed lightely during pregnancy and be fine, but not "menstruate".

I starred it because I am kind of hoping someone can give a better answer.

Good luck.

Rh alloimmunization during pregnancy - is there a similar rxn with regard to the ABO system?
Q. I dunno if anyone will be able to help me with this, but I'm curious. I understand Rh sensitization during pregnancy and why it's important to prevent it. My question is this: is there a similar reaction to a mixing of maternal and fetal blood with regard to the ABO system? If not, then why not? It seems like it would work on the same principle, but I've never heard of a drug that addresses such a problem.

A. With Rh factor, named after it's discovery using Rhesus monkeys, the problem occurs when the fetus is Rh+ (thus HAS the Rh+ protein) and the mother is Rh- (does NOT have the protein). In this case the child would have gotten this protein from the father. The mother's body sees the protein as foreign, at least to her, and tries to destroy it, and in doing so harms the fetus in the process. With the ABO system you can have whats called ABO incompatibility. This disease afflicts newborns whose mothers are blood type O, and who have a baby with type A, B, or AB.

Ordinarily, the antibodies against the foreign blood types A and B that circulate in mother's bloodstream remain there, because they are of a type that is too large to pass easily across the placenta into the fetal circulation. Some fetal red cells always leak into mother's circulation across the placental barrier (mother and fetal blood theoretically do not mix, but in actuality, they do to a small degree).

These fetal red cells stimulate the formation of a smaller type of anti-A or anti-B antibody which can pass into the baby's circulation and there cause the destruction of fetal red cells. The increased rate of destruction of red cells causes a subsequent increase in waste product production. This excess waste product, bilirubin, can overwhelm the normal waste elimination processes and lead to jaundice, the presence of excess bilirubin.

This condition is one of the hemolytic anemias. Jaundice is the most common problem encountered, which may require phototherapy or even exchange transfusion. Anemia of some severity is sometimes encountered and may need to be tracked with serial blood counts, but I have yet to see a case severe enough to justify transfusion. For reasons that are unclear, B-O incompatibility (mother type O, baby type B) seems to be in general more severe than A-O incompatiblity.

Can you get two rhogam shot during pregnancy?
Q. I wanted to know can you get two rhogam shot during pregnancy? Cause I research an dad that said only one.

A. from personal experience having 3 boys all A positive, the older two born in the 80's no rhoGAM during pregnancy only the day after. My son born in the 90's I had one shot at 28 weeks and he developer multiple health issues caused by the mercury. I asked my current gyno and he said the shot given the day after a positive birth was so effective that less than 2% of babies developed RH disease and hemolytic anemia. He said the only reason the shot is given during pregnancy is to increase profits. The less than 2% would never be helped by the shot. There is always a risk of any medicine in pregnancy. My middle son had RH disease and he is a Jr. in college on a football scholarship with a 3.2 GPA. I'll take 6 months of treatment for RH disease over the life long problems my youngest suffers. He will never hold a job, live on his own, marry or have friendships.

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What is the difference between "spotting" and a normal period?

Q. So, I'm trying to get pregnant. I may be over-zealous. Whenever I go to look what the early signs of pregnancy are, spotting is one of the signs.

How heavy is spotting? Can it look like a normal period? Act like a normal period?

A. While spotting can be a sign of early pregnancy, few women actually experience this. You shouldn't use this as a basis for possible fertilization. But none the less, "spotting" is not going to feel like your period. You may experience some slight cramps with it but not the "flow" feeling of blood leaving your body. You know how you can tell you have started overnight, or the way you know you have leaked past a tampon. Spotting should be quick, and light colored. If not in a traditional splatters, it should not last more than a day and you should not soak through a pad in two hours. If you still want to speculate on the pregnancy before you get results try instead if you feel different. As spacey as that sounds, a woman can usually tell when her period is approaching. Do you still have that feeling like your period is about the begin? Or maybe you are more susceptible to smells, not overbearing but slightly. Good luck and remember to trust yourself, if are not spotting but having an actual menstrual cycle you know it even if you don't want to. I wish you the best.

How can I be sure that this is my period?
Q. Im on birth control and I usually have my period at the end of every month. The birth control caused my last period to be pushed back to February 14th. I was cramping like usual but the bleeding was seemingly lighter. Now I'm cramping again and light bleeding has started. I don't know if the pill is just messing up my period or if the pill failed and this is a symptom of pre pregnancy spotting. Do the cramps mean for sure that I'm on my period?


When should I go to the hospital for early pregnancy spotting?
Q. I am 11 soon to be 12 weeks pregnant. Last night I started spotting and it has continued on to today. It is very light pinkish brown. Is this normal? Should I go to the emergency room and get it checked out or wait for my appointment in 3 days?

A. i have had both outcomes from spotting during pregnancy. my first pregnancy i started spotting at 12 weeks it was very light and brown. i went to the hospital straight away and they told me it was normal and they were not concerned because i had seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks,and the spotting wasnt heavy,and also my hcg levels were still rising. i wasnt convinced so i made them give me an ultrasound,i turns out i had a missed miscarriage and my baby had died at 9 weeks.
with this pregnancy i had spotting at 5,7,9,11 weeks and everytime i went and got an ultrasound i turned out the baby was healthy and alive.
its really not worth taking the chance when it comes to any type of bleeding or spotting. it can be normal but i would still go and get it checked asap.
good luck and i hope everything ok.

If implantation bleeding occurs how far along pregnant am I?
Q. Im pretty sure I am spotting. Ive had tons of pregnancy symptoms...last week a negative HPT. But today when i wiped i had brownish red spotting. Thought it was period....nothing more came out. If it is pregnancy spotting (which we are wanting another baby and having sex) how far along would I be, and when should I do a test again?

A. If this is the time you are supposed to have a period and it is late but with just spotting it could be implantation bleeding. I have never had it but you could be maybe four weeks pregnant if this is your first missed period. You could have conceived around the time you had your last period. Good luck

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How long does it take to detect vaginal herpes?

Q. I have had through out the years vaginal lesions. I didn't think they were vaginal warts because there was not a wart bump, but more like a open sore. I as the doctor a year ago if I could have herpes and she said I had to come in when I had an outbreak. Now I am pregnant and my doctor says I have herpes and will need cream to put on during the birth so my child wont get it. I have a son 5 years ago and the doctor never said anything about herpes to me then. Is the blood test for herpes a new test? Would it have been detected 5 years ago if I had it then?

A. You have to have a blood test done during an OUTBREAK, because the antibodies are in your system, trying to fight off the herpes virus. That is the only time it will show up in a test. If you didn't know you had herpes 5 years ago, then your doctor would not have known. Like I said, unless you told the doctor, or there was an outbreak (something for your doctor to see and TEST), then he would not have known. As for your current pregnancy, you need to be put on Valtrex (yes, it is safe), because if you have an outbreak and then have a vaginal birth, the baby will be exposed with potentially life threatening consequences. If you have an outbreak despite Valtrex when it is time to deliver your baby, your doctor will need to perform a c-section, NOT administer a "cream". This is serious business and it concerns me that your doctor is talking about creams and not putting you on medication.

What happens if you contract herpes when you conceive?
Q. If you get herpes and get pregnant in the same sexual encounter, what happens to the baby? Will it get herpes from being inside the uterus? or is herpes only spread to a baby during delivery?

A. If you contract herpes just before you got pregnant then herpes can cause some complications to the pregnancy. But herpes isn't usually passed while the baby is in the womb or by genetics. The risk occurs as the baby comes through the birth canal while the mother has a break out. If the mother has a genital break out while she delivers, there is a high risk of passing herpes to the baby as it comes through the birth canal.
Doctors usually prescribe antiviral medication a few weeks before you deliver to help prevent break outs so you can deliver naturally with very low risk of passing herpes to the baby. Herpes is very rarely passed to babies.

What happens if you have a herpes outbreak during pregnancy?
Q. What happens if you have a herpes outbreak during your pregnany? I am 26 weeks pregnant and had an outbreak. I had my first outbreak a couple months before I became pregnant. Is there any risks in getting an outbreak during pregnancy? And is it ok to take valtrex? My doctor told me to take 3 grams a day. Just looking for other people's experience on this.
Yes, it was my dear husband who gave it to me, but he only has the oral kind, I have the *other* kind.

A. it is fine to have an outbreak during pregnancy as long as you dont have one within a month of giving birth. then its too risky to pass on to the baby. you say that you husband has oral herpes and you have the "other" kind. you really probably both have the same strain, but oral herpes can pass to the genitals through oral sex and genital can pass to oral. but really, the strains are different. you likely have the same strain that your husband has on his month, just in a different area. that is a good thing, it is a milder strain and your outbreaks will occur less often and come even less often and be more mild as time passes.

With genital herpes, how can a man give his wife a baby without giving her herpes?
Q. I know herpes is spread when you have no signs as well as with signs.. but my question is, what methods can be used for couples with one partner infected ?
And if the 2nd partner later discovers she too has herpes, is unprotected sex ok or should precautions still be taken?

A. Wow. The amount of misinformation in these answers is stunning.

To start, herpes is spread through skin-to-skin contact. So his semen will NOT contain the virus.

Second, as long as the couple does not have intercourse when he has symptoms, the likelihood of transmitting the virus is not huge. It's not tiny, but it's not huge. If he takes an antiviral, like Valtrex, the percentage drops even more. A study of partners where one had herpes and the other did not showed a 2% transmission rate per year without Valtex, and less than 1% with Valtex.

Third, even if she did get herpes, she could still have a healthy baby. She might choose to have a cesearean to prevent transmission to the baby, but there are no horrible medical consequences if he gives her herpes. There is no reason to go for artificial insemination, for pete's sake!

Life is risk. And in my opinion, the risk of possibly giving her herpes is so GREATLY outweighed by the desire to have a baby that it isn't even a contest.

For more information on pregnancy and herpes transmission, including a hotline phone number where you can ask people difficult questions about herpes, check out the web site below. I've also included a link to the Valtrex study.

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Any of you ladies had an ectopic pregnancy, lost a fallopian tube, and been able to have another child?

Q. Please tell me what happened. I lost a fallopian tube due to an ectopic pregnancy, and then got pregnant again only to have a miscarriage. I'm going through treatment right now, ultrasounds, labs works etc. Stressed and scared. I want to know some success stories after such a nightmare. Is this all worth it?

A. Hello,

My daughter is a success story. When I was young and having my children I had several miscarriages. I did manage to carry two boys to full term. One in 1979 and the other in 1985.

After I had my son in 1985 I became pregnant again but began experiencing severe pain in my right side. I had to be rushed to the hospital and they did an ultra sound and said that I had an ectopic pregnancy. (I always called it a tubal pregnancy). I had to have emergency surgery to remove my tube and of course, the baby.

I never conceived again until 1988 (and I always got pregnant very easily, I just couldn't carry them). But I prayed and I prayed for three years, because I wanted a little girl so bad. And in 1988 I became pregnant again, I had no problems and my little girl was born on Dec. 2. She will be 19 this year and I thank God every day for her. And after I had her, I never became pregnant again even though I've never took any kind of birth control.

So don't give up hope because as long as you have one tube, you can have a baby. Good luck.

How long does it take for the egg to travel through the fallopian tubes?
Q. Hi! I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long it takes for the egg to go through the fallopian tube into the uterus? I have two books, the fist one "Mother of all pregnancy books" says 80 hours which works out to 3.3 days and the other "Getting pregnant" say 5 to 6 days. I was just wondering what other people have to say.

Thank you!

A. Three to four days.
The time depends only on the egg, sperm have nothing to do with how fast the egg will travel. The egg is propelled along by cilia in the fallopian tubes. It then takes two days after reaching the uterus to implant. It is implanted by day 7.
This is after conception times, but conception must occur as the egg is released, or it will not have time to complete all these steps prior to being shed.

Can the right fallopian tube grab the egg from the left ovary?
Q. I lost my left tube due to an ectopic pregnancy. Could the right fallopian tube grab the left egg?
My OB/GYN said it's possible. I found some info on the web to support this, but it's pretty vague.

A. YES - I got pregnant from my left fallopian tube grabbing the egg from my right ovary. I do not have a right fallopian tube and had a very eary ultrasound at 4 weeks which showed the cycst on my right ovary indicative of the egg coming from that side. It does happen - by baby is proof.

Has anyone ever had a successful pregnancy with damaged fallopian tubes and without using IVF?
Q. I had to have one fallopian tube removed and the other is so damaged that the doctor said that the only way we could get pregnant was to do IVF, but I just don't feel comfortable with it right now. Has anybody been in a situation like this and had a surprise, natural, miracle pregnancy? I'm just looking for a little hope.

A. Yes, you can get pregnant. Yes, you are more likely to have a tubal pregnancy. IVF was made for folks like you. Don't put it off too long - you are more likely to be successful the younger you are.

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Does drinking salt water and taking ibuprofen prevent pregnancy?

Q. i have did a little research and they said that if you drink salt water and ibuprofen it would prevent pregnancy because it messes with your harmonies.(misspelled) but what or the sign effects for taking that ibuprofen or lipitor?


What pain killers can i take during pregnancy without risk to the baby when I am alergic to tylenol?
Q. I have always been prone to headaches, backaches, and now my back has been hurting me from pregnancy, as have my ribs lately. I read somewhere that the only pregnancy safe pain reliever is tylenol, however I can't safely take it because I tend to have alergic reactions. Is there any other pain reliever I can take? I'm about 6 weeks.

A. You need to ask your doctor for advice. There are prescribed pain meds that are safe but since they are prescribed the doctor has to give them to you. I have fibromyalgia and tylenol doesn't always take care of the pain. Other over-the-counter pain meds are harmful to the pregnancy such as ibuprofen, asprin, and naproxen.

Can taking Ibuprofen in the early stages of pregnancy cause miscarriage?
Q. I might be pregnant, but i have been taking ibuprofen because i had a root canal and it is sore. now, i am spotting. when i started taking ibuprofen i didnt suspect pregnancy, but i am worried. please help.

A. Ibuprofen can cause bleeding, but it is unlikely to cause a miscarriage if you take the recommended dosage and not more. The danger with this medication and pregnancy occurs in the third trimester, because taking any NSAID, like ibuprofen or aspirin in the third trimester, can cause circulatory problems in the unborn baby. There are holes in the fetal heart that close shortly after birth, but taking these medications can cause the holes to close prematurely in the womb and can severely hurt the baby. This is not a problem in the first trimester, so you will be ok, but I would stop taking them now. Stick to tylenol for pain.

Would taking antibiotics at the start of a pregnancy cause any problems?
Q. I started a course of two types of antibiotics, ibuprofen tablets and paracetamol 3 days after conception. In total I had to take 13 pills a day for 8 days. At the time it didn't even occur to me that I was pregnant because I was so ill. Now I know 100% I'm pregnant I'm very worried about all the pills that I had to take. Would they have any effects on the baby? I don't want to have harmed it. Can these tablets harm a fetus? What should I do?

A. Most ot the time, medications do not harm the fetus, but I would definitely tell your OB this so that he/she knows. They will also be able to let you know of any possible side effects, or birth defects with the meds.

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What is best makeup to cover melasma?

Q. I have just discovered that I have Melasma or Pregnancy mask on my face and especially my upper lip. I am trying to find a makeup that will cover it with out feeling like sludge. I do not care how much it costs. What is the best?

A. The dermablend line makes products with exceptional coverage for troubled skin

Pregnancy Mask?Have any of you ever had one?How do you get rid of it?Should I see a Dermatologist?
Q. My son is almost 18 months and my mask is peeling but not going away!t looks like I have done a really bad job of applying foundation on my face!If you do not know what a pregnancy mask is it is like a dark tan on your face you get when your pregnant.It is getting more noticable the more it is peeling away but it looks horrible!Does anyone know if I can have it removed somehow??

A. some moms get the "pregnancy mask" & some don't but i would go to my dermatologist to get a product to fade it. he/she might prescribe tri-luma, a triple ingredient product frequently used to fade this type of problem. you might get a salicylic acid peel (20 or 30 percent.) this will slough off skin & hopefully reveal new clearer skin beneath. use an alpha/beta hydroxy product to help w/ cell turnover daily. i use olay regenerist wash which works like a mini microdermabrasion daily. you might like it too.
remember to wear sunscreen daily b/c the sun will cause your face to product melanin which is dark pigment & this is what you are trying to reduce.
good luck!

what s the best cream for melasma ? i tried everything from biotherm to neostrata nothing seems to work?
Q. hi i have a pregnancy mask & i ve been trying all sorts of brown spot stubborn spots cream ( biotherm neostrata la roche posay ...) nothing seems to work helppppppppppppp


Melasma - how to ge rid of it?
Q. I got melasma (pregnancy mask) last year when I was pregnant but it hasn't faded away yet so I wonder whether anyone knows any solutions or home remedies to get rid of it.


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How can a woman have lactation without pregnancy?

Q. i want my girl friend to lactate but what can i do to her with out her being pregnant

A. yes she can lactate without being pregnant, look it up on the internet, find some ways to do it. good luck

I want to ask about lactation without pregnancy?
Q. How to feed mothers milk to an adopted baby who is already a month old?


Can a female un-spayed lab lactate without being pregnant?
Q. I was rubbing her belly and accident hit one of her nipples and milk came out.

Could there be another reason besides pregnancy that this could occur.

And I am 100% serious.

A. Funny you should ask that. I just took my intact female to the vet concerned she was pregnant because she was lactating. She had just completed her season about 6 weeks prior. I learned that all intact females have a false pregnancy to some extent following their season. For most, there are no apparent symptoms as hormones return to normal. To others, mine included, they have more apparent symptoms, such as going off food for a while, lactation, gathering fake 'puppies' and mothering them, etc.

So, I am taking you 100 % seriously, since I have just had this experience. Did your female just have her season?

I am looking for excerises to do to promote faster lactation?
Q. I am wanting to do daily exercises to promote lactation, i am also seeking exercises that will aid in keeping them firm and healthy also. Also if there is a diet that I am to follow please forward.

A. The breast is ordinarily prepared for lactation during pregnancy under the influence of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and other hormones. The ductal system proliferates and differentiates and the lobes, lobules, and alveoli increase in size (Riordan 2004). Without pregnancy, the same breast changes can be achieved through nipple stimulation, which causes the secretion of prolactin (Kolodny et al.), growth of secretory alveoli, and production of milk (WHO 1998).

Once milk secretion begins, removing milk causes more milk to be made (WHO 1998). It is a normal, natural process for the breast to produce milk in response to a baby suckling. Thus, weaning need not be permanent and babies unable to be cared for by their biological mother can be breastfed by their adoptive mother.

Adoptive mothers may be able to induce lactation by using a breast pump every 2-3 hours, either before the baby comes or after. Some also use a device such as the Medela Supplemental Nursing System or the Lact-Aid Nurser Training System. These both enable you to feed your baby while he is at your breast. This way, your baby gets enough milk while stimulating your body to produce your own milk. The key to all this is that the more stimulation your breasts receive, either by pump or baby, the more likely milk will be produced.

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Does sperm always make it to the Fallopian tubes? Does that automatically mean pregnancy?

Q. I've read A LOT and seen A LOT on pregnancy and fertilization. I know that many sperm die on the way to the egg going through the vagina, cervix, uterus, and finally fallopian tubes. So my question is do sperm always make it to the fallopian tube then die off or when the sperm gets to the fallopian tube does that mean there is 100% chance of fertilization? Can sperm die in the tubes?
Im sorry. I meant to say lets just pretend an egg is present


What will be my ovulation pattern now that I only have 1 fallopian tube?
Q. I just recently lost my baby last week through tubal pregnancy. Last week, they had to remove my left fallopian tube so I just wan to know what my ovulation pattern will look like?
Okay, I know I will still ovulate every month. To clarify the question, what will be the pregnancy ovulation pattern? How often will I be able to actually get pregnant?

A. You'll still probably still ovulate each month but since you only have one tube you may only be able to get pregnant every other month.

How can my fallopian tube be weak?
Q. I had an ectopic pregnancy and my one fallopian tube had to be removed. During the surgery the surgeon stated that he had to drain my other tube because there was blockage and noticed that my other tube was weak. What could have caused the tube to become weak?

A. Blocked fallopian tubes :-

When the route for the eggs, after ovulation, to the uterus is blocked, a pregnancy cannot occur. Tubes that are twisted and thin normally have muscles in their walls that are too thin and cannot make the pumping movement necessary to push the egg into the womb. Narrow and weak tubes are congenital.

Agglutinations generate from inflammations on the ovaries and tubes - chlamydia and gonorrhoea being the main causes. An inflammation in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the appendices of the uterus, is called adnexitis.

so basically its mostly congential... i.e the way your made or something you've had since birth.


to a friend of mine fallopian tube was removed suspecting tubal pregnancy and a DNC was done .Why?
Q. to a friend of mine fallopian tube was removed suspecting tubal pregnancy and a cleaning of uterus was done .What might be the reason?


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What does it mean when fetal movement at my cervix becomes painful?

Q. I've always had some kinda movement at my cervix during my pregnancy. But this morning it is painful when my baby hits my cervix. Is everything ok? Why is it so sensitive?

31 weeks Pregnant

A. I just asked my doctor about this the other day. The baby's head is putting pressure on your cervix. It is nothing to worry about unless you notice bleeding, or the pain doesn't go away. My doctor said that it is just the baby getting ready to be in position for birth. It can happen once or it can happen everyday till the little monkey decides to get here.

If your cervix is closed during pregnancy, why do some have cervical mucus?
Q. I've read a lot that the cervix is supposed to remain firm and closed during pregnancy. If that's true, then why do some women have extra vaginal discharge, such as leukhorrea, when pregnant if their cervix is closed?


What does your cervix feel like if your pregnant?
Q. If you've felt your cervix during a pregnancy, what does it feel like?
I know it's a little tmi, but can you describe it?

A. You check your cervix all you want (just wash your hands first!) Some people's are difficult to get to, they're pretty far back. That said, a pregnant cervix gets like pretty hard cartilage, like the tip of your nose.

If your cervix is closed during pregnancy, why do some have leukhorrea?
Q. I've read a lot that the cervix is supposed to remain firm and closed during pregnancy. If that's true, then why do some women have extra vaginal discharge, such as leukhorrea, when pregnant if their cervix is closed?

A. it isn't the cervix that produces the discharge,its the vagina itself.the vagina is self cleaning (the discharge is the way it does it).an increase in discharge while pregnant is completely normal

leukorrhea is a different thing - it can be a sign of infection and this should always be investigated

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Is there truth to the ideas that carrying high/low & having a hard/easy pregnancy are signs of the baby's sex?

Q. I always hear people say that if you are carrying high, the baby is probably a boy, and if you're carrying low, it's probably a girl (maybe the other way around, but I think I got it right). I've also heard that most women get sicker when pregnant with girls than with boys. Is there any truth to these, or are they just pregnancy myths? What have your experiences been? Thanks :)

A. Well in my experience it was opposite!

If a woman's carrying low, it's a boy; if she's carrying high, it's a girl.
False. If a woman's carrying high, this may be her first pregnancy or her body's in good shape. Stomach muscles have a tendency to become more elastic with each pregnancy, so a belly that's seen more than one pregnancy may hang a little low.

this page is kinda cool..idk if i believe any of it tho

Do you want to know 12 pregnancy myths to ignore?
Q. It's not surprising that a large number of myths have arisen regarding the unique challenges associated with pregnancy.

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, a physician at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School, has unearthed the following sample of 12 pregnancy myths that he says can be safely ignored. I've never heard of any of these myths; but then, I've never been pregnant.

The worse your morning sickness, the more likely you are to have a girl. (Dr. Shmerling does point out, however, that several studies have shown that women who are hospitalized for morning sickness are slightly more likely to deliver a girl.)
If you raise your arms above your head while pregnant (as when hanging up clothes on a clothesline), the baby will get the cord wrapped around its neck.
If you get a lot of heartburn during pregnancy, your baby will have a thick head of hair.
Avoid sleeping on your back; or, always sleep on your left side.
To keep your unborn child safe, avoid sex and exercise during pregnancy.
You should not touch a cat while pregnant. Women are indeed advised not to handle their cat's litter while pregnant because a cat's stool may carry a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis, a serious infection in the mother and a possible cause of deformities in the fetus. However, other activities, such as petting your cat or allowing it to sit on your lap, are not prohibited. If you want complete peace of mind about this, you can have your cat tested for toxoplasmosis.
If you are pregnant, you cannot have x-rays and should avoid microwaves and computer terminals. Excessive or needless radiation should always be avoided, pregnant or not, but you should follow your doctor's recommendations for x-rays that are necessary. Modern microwave ovens and computer terminals do not expose the fetus to harmful radiation.
Don't take a bath if you are pregnant.
If the weather is stormy or the moon is full, you are more likely to go into labor, even if you are weeks away from your due date.
Avoid spicy foods � they can trigger labor before you are ready.
Avoid bumpy car rides � they can trigger labor; or, labor can be triggered by being bumped in the abdomen or by lifting groceries.
You can determine your baby's gender by the position of sexual intercourse when the baby was conceived, and by how your baby is situated in the womb.

A. i am so glad my wife had to do this.. all i can say is if you have any worries go to the doctor that is what they are there for.. good luck to you all our there that are going to have babies.

Can having an orgasm cause preterm labor?
Q. I'm 32 weeks and my doctors tell me that I have to much amniotic fluid around the baby. I've heard some pregnancy myths that having an orgasm during the last trimester can cause preterm labor. I was wondering if that's true and if so am I at an increased risk. Should I avoid having one?

A. If that were true I would have had my baby a loooong time ago.

Is there a food or herb that you can consume that will double your chance of having twins?
Q. If you've herd of something like this, what is it? Do you think it's just another pregnancy myth?

A. Cassava, in yams or sweet potatoes.

Also dairy.

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