How effective is the mini pill?

Q. How effective is the mini pill?
I've read on this site that it's 80 percent:

Appearently, it's because girls under 20 are super fertile... and my girlfriend is 15. However, I've read on other sites that it's like 99 percent, I don't know about teenagers. Is the effectiveness also 99 percent when you are 15? Please answer this question if you really know, this is serious :)


What Pregnancy Myths have you Bought into?
Q. I have been hearing a lot of silly things from mothers ever since I found out I'm pregnant. And I must say, even though I know they're probably all myths, I'm beginning to let myself believe them.

The big one for me, is that supposedly if you have no morning sickness, you're having a boy. Well, at 6 weeks, I haven't had a sign of morning sickness, so I'm beginning to wonder if they're right!

So-- Are there things that other mother's have told you- that you believe?

Share your stories!

A. I didn't have morning sickness with either of my babies - one boy and one girl. In fact, I didn't even feel pregnant until I got to about five months! My sister puked non-stop with hers - a boy and a girl. One thing I was told was that if you get heartburn, the baby will have lots of hair - I got heartburn and my babies were both born with lots of hair ... so ....

Is this just a pregnancy myth or does it have some fact to it?
Q. My girlfriend is almost 5 months pregnant and the only weight she has gained is in her stomach (obviously because of the pregnancy). Many people have told us that we are gonna have a baby boy because she has not gained weight anywhere else in her body except her stomach. And if it were going to be a girl she should have gained weight every where else and not just her belly. Is this a myth or fact?

A. Myth.

What are the myths and folklore about choosing the sex of your baby?
Q. I'm not looking to have a baby any time soon, but I'm just interested in the myths that surround being able to control the sex of your baby.
The one I hear most often is having sex before ovulation produces females, while having sex while ovulating or up to three days after ovulation produces males.
Any other ones?

A. You mean a superstition, not a myth nor a folklore. Here are some famous superstitions worldwide about how to predict/affect the gender of a baby in the womb:

*If a mother�s feet are colder when she�s pregnant, it�s a boy; if her feet are warmer, it�s a girl.

*Suspend a gold ring over a pregnant belly. If it swings to the sides, it's a boy; if it swings in a circle, it's a girl.

*If the male partner wears socks during sex, the baby will be a boy. If he's completely naked, the baby will be a girl.

*Check the baby bump. If she is carrying low, then she's having a boy. If she carries high, then she can expect a girl. If she carries in front then it's a boy. If she carries wide in the middle then it's a girl.

*Eating spicy or salty food during the pregnancy would result in having a boy. Eating sweet foods means it's a girl.
You DO realize most of these are absurd and simply fictitious, right? There is no way to affect a fetus's gender while in the womb, unless of course there the conception is by artificial insemination.

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