Why do I have a pregnancy dream while I have my period?

Q. Last night I dreamed that I was pregnant. the dream felt so real. I just started my period yesterday. I'm 24 years old and haven't had sex yet. I keep having pregnancy dreams while I have my period or without. what can this mean?
I'm old fashioned and waiting for marriage to have sex. you can't trust some guys these days.

A. haha I'm in your same boat! I thought I was the only one...I don't know why I have those kinds of dreams either. I mean, I want to have a baby someday but it's not going to happen anytime soon because I'm still a virgin haha weird...

What's the weirdest pregnancy dream you've ever had?
Q. I'm 36 weeks prego. I dreamt last night that I gave birth to my cat! What's your strangest pregnancy dream?

A. I had a dream that I was holding him and at the time he couldn't hold his head up by himself and I moved my hand to get a better grip and his head fell off.

I have been having very scary pregnancy dreams?
Q. I am 9 weeks pregnant, and have been having crazy dreams. I always remember them when I wake up, and they scare me. It is always about friends, family, or even me dying. Last night it scared me so much that I couldn't go to back to sleep, and I had to go to the bathroom, so I woke my husband up so he could go with me. My question is...how soon do pregnancy dreams occur and have any of you had similar experiences?

A. I know what you mean!
I'm 7 weeks and usually when i dream it's easy to get back to sleep, but with all the peeing, feeling like I'm lying down on the deck of a ship in stormy waters(nausea, dizziness) AND the weird dreams.
Last night I had a dream that after my baby was born (it was a girl), i found out that her father was my uncle (yuk!!! as if i would have an affair with my uncle) and i was extremely paranoid that my partner would find out. The uncle came down to see the baby and his wife(my aunt) and the whole family knew and she phoned him to say "so did you go and see HER and the baby?" Argh!!!! it was so weird I tell you.

The baby is 1000% my partner's!

I didn't even tell him because i felt soooo guilty even though it was just a dream!
Weird - it grossed me out because my feelings of shame etc seemed so real in the dream!

Have you ever predicted pregnancy with a dream?
Q. I had a dream last night that i was spotting pink/brown stuff..that's all i remember.. Has anyone ever had a pregnancy dream that has came true?

A. My boyfriend's mother had a dream that I was pregnant. At the time, I still believed that I was not able to concieve due to many problems prior, including endo and only having one tube. Well I was in denial for a few weeks and when I finally got a pregnancy test, it was positive! She then had a dream shortly after we told her and she dreamt I had a boy who was long and thin. Well she is right about the boy, I have to wait until November to find out the weight and length but she is pretty accurate, so it is a bit scary.

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