Why is it considered bad luck to name a baby before it is born?

Q. I have heard many times that it is bad luck to name a baby before its' birth, and that this superstition is very common in the Jewish culture. Can anyone offer some insight into the origins of this bit of pregnancy myth?

A. I think it's just a general superstition, and isn't just in the Jewish culture. If you name a baby before it's born and it dies before or during birth it's kind of like you cursed it to die. Same with getting a crib before your first trimester is up..

How effective is the mini pill?
Q. How effective is the mini pill?
I've read on this site that it's 80 percent: http://www.helpingteens.org/articles/sex-sexuality-pregnancy/myths-people-use-to-get-sex-information-on-contraception-protection.html

Appearently, it's because girls under 20 are super fertile... and my girlfriend is 15. However, I've read on other sites that it's like 99 percent, I don't know about teenagers. Is the effectiveness also 99 percent when you are 15? Please answer this question if you really know, this is serious :)


Question about pregnancy myth: Indigestion indicating a baby with lots of hair?
Q. I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first baby, a girl, and I already have pretty intense indigestion sometimes. And I keep hearing from women I know that this means that my baby will be born with lots of hair. Is there any truth to this? If so, what is the scientific reasoning behind it? At what gestation does a baby even begin to grow hair in the womb? Or is just another wives tale about pregnancy that doesn't really hold any water?

A. With my first, I had tons of indigestion during the last month throughout most of the night. She was 2 weeks late and had a very full, fairly long (3 inches long) coal black hair. She was absolutely beautiful! And still is!!

With my second, the indigestion started around the start of the 3rd trimester and lasted almost all day, every day....and night, I was sleeping sitting up to help ease the pain. He was born 2 weeks early and was so bald his head was shiny. He barely even had eyelashes and eyebrows!

My sister in law had quite a bit of heartburn along with an ultrasound that projected a 'halo' around the baby's head which she was told was lots and lots of hair. He had a small coating of peach fuzz.

What Pregnancy Myths have you Bought into?
Q. I have been hearing a lot of silly things from mothers ever since I found out I'm pregnant. And I must say, even though I know they're probably all myths, I'm beginning to let myself believe them.

The big one for me, is that supposedly if you have no morning sickness, you're having a boy. Well, at 6 weeks, I haven't had a sign of morning sickness, so I'm beginning to wonder if they're right!

So-- Are there things that other mother's have told you- that you believe?

Share your stories!

A. I didn't have morning sickness with either of my babies - one boy and one girl. In fact, I didn't even feel pregnant until I got to about five months! My sister puked non-stop with hers - a boy and a girl. One thing I was told was that if you get heartburn, the baby will have lots of hair - I got heartburn and my babies were both born with lots of hair ... so ....

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