How strong are the pregnancy cravings really?

Q. I may be pregnant. I have a doctor's appointment this week to confirm. But I am going crazy craving for sour stuff and a lot of chillies (hot sauces). And I guess I was wondering how strong are the pregnancy cravings really. Can you contain them. Like if you don't give in, do they go away? Or is it in my head?

A. They are very real and very crazy and very strong. Usually they are a bi-product of hormone changes. If you don't give in, then sometimes they go away, sometimes they change or sometimes they don't. You will laugh but with my first pregnancy one day I woke up and I thought I was going to die unless I had a girl scout cookie. The ones made with coconut. Anyway...I crawled across my floor to the phone, called the girl scout office which was 20 or so miles away and made them hold the last box for me while I drove there! Now thats crazy. I have had three kids and only got cravings once. But if you want it go and get it!

Ladies,how far along in your pregnancies did you go before you started the typical pregnancy cravings we have?
Q. I just got a positive test result last week, but I already desire nachos and cheese a lot more than I previously cared for. I think I am maybe 1 month, I haven't been to the doctor yet. Can this be pregnancy cravings this soon, or is it all in my head?

A. Yes you can have cravings this early. I didn't have any cravings with my first, They started about 4 months along with my second ( steak and watermelon ). But with this last one it was at about 6 weeks ( Subway ).

Is it possible to prevent pregnancy cravings?
Q. I have the oddest cravings that strike me at really annoying times. For example I woke up at 3am craving goat cheese souffles .... Not exactly something I just had on hand! Another odd one was my extreme craving for a breakfast quiche at 9pm as I was turning in for the night. Since I can rarely satisfy my pregnancy cravings is there a way to just prevent them??

A. Pregnancy cravings are there for a reason, it means your body needs something that's in the food you want. So in theory, the only way to avoid it is to make sure you're getting enough nutrients.

What Were Some Of Your Pregnancy Cravings?
Q. My friend has been having some really weird pregnancy cravings eg. smoked oysters, sushi, mango gelato and cherry ripes :P What are or were some of your cravings if you had them?

A. At first it was fruit.The more sweet it was the better. Then it was pb&j sandwiches. I could eat them breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. Now that winter has hit, ironically, its slurpies. The other night i woke up around 2am wanting one sooo bad that i whipped out my blender and tried making one with ice, sugar, and a kool-aid packet since the gas station was closed lol.

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