When should I go to the hospital for early pregnancy spotting?

Q. I am 11 soon to be 12 weeks pregnant. Last night I started spotting and it has continued on to today. It is very light pinkish brown. Is this normal? Should I go to the emergency room and get it checked out or wait for my appointment in 3 days?

A. i have had both outcomes from spotting during pregnancy. my first pregnancy i started spotting at 12 weeks it was very light and brown. i went to the hospital straight away and they told me it was normal and they were not concerned because i had seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks,and the spotting wasnt heavy,and also my hcg levels were still rising. i wasnt convinced so i made them give me an ultrasound,i turns out i had a missed miscarriage and my baby had died at 9 weeks.
with this pregnancy i had spotting at 5,7,9,11 weeks and everytime i went and got an ultrasound i turned out the baby was healthy and alive.
its really not worth taking the chance when it comes to any type of bleeding or spotting. it can be normal but i would still go and get it checked asap.
good luck and i hope everything ok.

If implantation bleeding occurs how far along pregnant am I?
Q. Im pretty sure I am spotting. Ive had tons of pregnancy symptoms...last week a negative HPT. But today when i wiped i had brownish red spotting. Thought it was period....nothing more came out. If it is pregnancy spotting (which we are wanting another baby and having sex) how far along would I be, and when should I do a test again?

A. If this is the time you are supposed to have a period and it is late but with just spotting it could be implantation bleeding. I have never had it but you could be maybe four weeks pregnant if this is your first missed period. You could have conceived around the time you had your last period. Good luck

How do you know the difference between a light period and pregnancy spotting?
Q. I know that you can have light spotting when youre pregnant, but a period can also be light and spotting.. How do you tell the difference? I get light periods a lot and I hate it because I never really know if that means I'm pregnant or not.. Is there a way to know other than taking a test everytime I get a lighter period?

A. There is no way of telling really unless its a lot lighter than your usual period, hardly enough to see except on a tissue when you wipe yourself.

Periods usually contain enough blood/womb lining that you need to wear a tampon or pad at least for a couple of days. If its this heavy and happens when you normally would expect your period then I would think it indicates you are not pregnant.

Can pregnancy spotting last for about 2 weeks?
Q. I'm wondering if I am pregnant... Can spotting of pregnancy last up to 2 weeks? And can you still get pregnant whilst on the pill and using a condom?

A. You should ask your doctor what's going on with the spotting, as it could be any number of things--including a side effect from the pill. Some things that may help determine what's going on: have you missed any pills? how long have you been on the pill, and how has it affected you over the time you've been taking it? how heavy or light is the bleeding? have you noticed any other symptoms? These questions and probably others can help determine what's going on. Without these details, it's impossible for anyone to figure this out.
The only question I can answer here is the possibility of getting pregnant with the pill and condoms: there is still a chance, although if you've been using one or both methods correctly, it is very slim.
Textbook pregnancy spotting is usually lighter in flow and color than a period, and is usually shorter as well. I don't know if it can be longer.
And unless you're bleeding really heavily, I don't advise going directly to the hospital/emergency room, unless you have no other access to a doctor. It's expensive, and it clogs the emergency rooms.

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