Drinking caffeine during pregnancy what is your opinion?

Q. I was wondering what your opinion is about drinking caffeine during pregnancy? How much is ok? and in the first trimester should it be completely avoided?

A. Bring on the thumbs down, but i drank at least 7 cans of diet coke a day months 3-delivery day...even sneaking in two right after my c-section (i guess its bad to have carbonated drinks after b/c of bloating) but i couldn't help it...

I did cut back months 1-3 but after the first trimester i couldn't take it anymore...both girls were happy, healthy, and fine.

I was comfortable with my decision, but if you feel like its risky just don't do it :)

I drank a lot of caffeine during my second pregnancy and my daughter is very hyper-connection maybe?
Q. With my second baby I drank more caffeine then I should have, she has been wiggling non stop since the day she was born. Do you think the caffeine during pregnancy is partly to blame for it? My other two pregnancies I didn't drink caffeine and they have a normal amount of energy and can sit still.

A. I also drank alot of caffeine during pregnancy with my son.. And he is a very calm baby.. He is normal though.. So I can't tell you there is a connection.. But every women and baby is different.

How to stop drinking sweet ice tea during pregnancy?
Q. I am 11 weeks pregnant and well aware that caffeine should be avoided in pregnancy, but I can't give up that cup of sweet ice tea. I usually have one cup of ice tea each week, will this harm the baby? Has anyone drank caffeine during pregnancy and baby was ok?

A. I worried about his with my first pregnancy!! When you are pregnant, it is ok to drink caffeine in moderation. If you are used to drinking a large amount of caffeine, then you are supposed to limit it. My doctor told me that it is safe to have 8 oz of coffee a day while pregnant. And tea has even less caffeine than coffee. So I say, go ahead & have your cup of sweet ice tea once a week! Enjoy!! :)

My sister drank regular Pepsi everyday with all three of her children & they all turned out beautiful & healthy! Don't worry so much! :) Congrats on your pregnancy!!

Has there been any study on the effects of caffeine and pregnancy?
Q. I don't drink any sodas or coffee, but I do have the occasional glass of tea (like one 20 oz glass per week). I was wondering if there is any proof out there that caffeine is bad for pregnancy.

A. There have been lots of recent studies, which you can find by googling caffine and pregnancy study" and almost all of them say that 1-2 servings of caffine a day (soda, tea, or coffee) does not make a difference. My Dr. told me that I could have a daily cup of coffee and not think twice about it, which kept me sane when I got really tired.

Just make sure that with the teas that you stay away from Green teas (which blocks the absorption of folic acid) and any teas that have additives in it (like diuretic weight loss teas, or teas enanced with things guarana). It's best to have just straight forward herbal tea.

Hope that helps! Enjoy your tea.

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