how long does it take to get your period after etopic pregnancy?

Q. i had an etopic pregnancy 4 months ago.i had one baby that stopped growing in my right tube before it did damage and another in my uterus. i went for rechecks and everything was fine. however i still not have gotten a period. is that normal i'm worried. i been having thick mucus like discharge with brown in it. i'm starting to worry only cuz it's not here and i've been feeling sick alot since then. like depending on a certian food after eating it i'm throwing up or either just sick. i brought up my concerns and my doctor just tells me not to worry about it. i get stomache cramps that feel like i'm gonna get my period but nothing is there. plus i lost alot of weight since then. i'm just worried can someone please help me out.

A. consider getting a second opinion

Is cramping during the early part of your pregnancy a bad sign?
Q. I'm 7weeks pregnant & my stomach been cramping on and off.I'm a 1st time mom ! Is this a sign of a etopic pregnancy?

A. Cramping can be from a number of things...when I was pregnant, I hurt in my side and was convinced it was an etopic pregnancy. It wasn' was fine. But serious cramping needs to be checked out immediately by a doctor.

Will an ectopic pregnancy hurt my chances of getting pregnant again?
Q. A little over 2 years ago I had an etopic pregnancy that ended in 2 emergency surguries, but they left my tube in. We're ready to try again, and so far we've been unsuccessful for 2 months (I know its not a long time, but our first attempt happened right away). Could my first etopic be a problem for a second time?

A. Most definitely! I would see your Dr. to have an HSG done this tests to see if your tubes are free and clear of any blockages and or scar tissue. This is especially important when TTC. Unfortunately after having 1 E.P. you are at higher risk having another one so I would just be as aware as possible. I had an E.P. in Dec of 2007 and I just started Metformin this month. I am hoping for a BFP soon.Baby Dust and Good Luck!

What besides pregnancy and stress can cause a missed period?
Q. 12 years ago I had 2 etopic pregnancies 7 months apart. The first they removed the pregnancy and part of my tube. The 2nd time they had to remove the entire tube(on the other side) since then I've always been very regular. I am 36yrs old and have not altered my Daily routines I'm not under any stress at work or at home but this month I am almost 2 weeks late.... anyone go through anything similar or know other causes for late periods?


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How strong are the pregnancy cravings really?

Q. I may be pregnant. I have a doctor's appointment this week to confirm. But I am going crazy craving for sour stuff and a lot of chillies (hot sauces). And I guess I was wondering how strong are the pregnancy cravings really. Can you contain them. Like if you don't give in, do they go away? Or is it in my head?

A. They are very real and very crazy and very strong. Usually they are a bi-product of hormone changes. If you don't give in, then sometimes they go away, sometimes they change or sometimes they don't. You will laugh but with my first pregnancy one day I woke up and I thought I was going to die unless I had a girl scout cookie. The ones made with coconut. Anyway...I crawled across my floor to the phone, called the girl scout office which was 20 or so miles away and made them hold the last box for me while I drove there! Now thats crazy. I have had three kids and only got cravings once. But if you want it go and get it!

Ladies,how far along in your pregnancies did you go before you started the typical pregnancy cravings we have?
Q. I just got a positive test result last week, but I already desire nachos and cheese a lot more than I previously cared for. I think I am maybe 1 month, I haven't been to the doctor yet. Can this be pregnancy cravings this soon, or is it all in my head?

A. Yes you can have cravings this early. I didn't have any cravings with my first, They started about 4 months along with my second ( steak and watermelon ). But with this last one it was at about 6 weeks ( Subway ).

Is it possible to prevent pregnancy cravings?
Q. I have the oddest cravings that strike me at really annoying times. For example I woke up at 3am craving goat cheese souffles .... Not exactly something I just had on hand! Another odd one was my extreme craving for a breakfast quiche at 9pm as I was turning in for the night. Since I can rarely satisfy my pregnancy cravings is there a way to just prevent them??

A. Pregnancy cravings are there for a reason, it means your body needs something that's in the food you want. So in theory, the only way to avoid it is to make sure you're getting enough nutrients.

What Were Some Of Your Pregnancy Cravings?
Q. My friend has been having some really weird pregnancy cravings eg. smoked oysters, sushi, mango gelato and cherry ripes :P What are or were some of your cravings if you had them?

A. At first it was fruit.The more sweet it was the better. Then it was pb&j sandwiches. I could eat them breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. Now that winter has hit, ironically, its slurpies. The other night i woke up around 2am wanting one sooo bad that i whipped out my blender and tried making one with ice, sugar, and a kool-aid packet since the gas station was closed lol.

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When will the school talk to boys about sex and pregnancy?

Q. I'm in sixth grade, and last year in fifth grade, the girls had to watch a pregnancy movie and the boys weren't permitted. Why do they wait to teach the boys? Will we learn anything this year? When do they usually start?
We are going to learn about the reproductive system in 6th.

A. I just answered your other question, but this pertains more to schooling which does as well. I would definitely check it out to see if they would be able to come to your school!

What are some good movies to watch on pregnancy?
Q. Not necessarily information about pregnancy but movies with plots based on pregnancy or pregnancy documentaries etc. I like shows like Bringing Home Baby and Birth Day (on TLC) and I have already seen The Business of Being Born and The Pregnancy Pact.

What are some other good pregnancy movies out there?

A. I was just watching '9 months' on telly, it's a Hugh Grant film, kinda old but I've always liked it.
The only other film I can think of is 'Knocked Up' which is also a good film but comedy based more than anything.
As for TV shows, One Born Every Minute is a favorite of mine! Not sure if you get it where you are (I'm in the UK) but I'm sure you'd find it online. It's all real, filmed in a hospital labour ward. It actually helped me so much making decisions for my birth plan and also helping to mentally prepare myself for the big day!

How do pregnancies in movies work?
Q. I was just wondering how they perform pregnancies in Movies and TV.

When the female goes into labor and they have the baby all covered in guck. Is it a real baby? Is it a robot? This has always mind ****ed me.

A. the baby covered in guck in a long shot is anamatronic (a robot). a close up shot of the baby is a real child (but the child is usually 2-3 months old and not a newborn)

What are some good movies for 14+ year old girls to watch?
Q. I'm really bored and i will watch any movie as long as its funny or has something to do with pregnancy in it (idky i just love kids in movies) as in pregnancy movies like the waitress thats a good movie anyways does anyone know any Hilarious movies?????????????????????????????? I love the movie That's My Boy by Adam Sandler thats good anyone know any movies as funny as that?????


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Ladies,how far along in your pregnancies did you go before you started the typical pregnancy cravings we have?

Q. I just got a positive test result last week, but I already desire nachos and cheese a lot more than I previously cared for. I think I am maybe 1 month, I haven't been to the doctor yet. Can this be pregnancy cravings this soon, or is it all in my head?

A. Yes you can have cravings this early. I didn't have any cravings with my first, They started about 4 months along with my second ( steak and watermelon ). But with this last one it was at about 6 weeks ( Subway ).

Is it possible to prevent pregnancy cravings?
Q. I have the oddest cravings that strike me at really annoying times. For example I woke up at 3am craving goat cheese souffles .... Not exactly something I just had on hand! Another odd one was my extreme craving for a breakfast quiche at 9pm as I was turning in for the night. Since I can rarely satisfy my pregnancy cravings is there a way to just prevent them??

A. Pregnancy cravings are there for a reason, it means your body needs something that's in the food you want. So in theory, the only way to avoid it is to make sure you're getting enough nutrients.

What Were Some Of Your Pregnancy Cravings?
Q. My friend has been having some really weird pregnancy cravings eg. smoked oysters, sushi, mango gelato and cherry ripes :P What are or were some of your cravings if you had them?

A. At first it was fruit.The more sweet it was the better. Then it was pb&j sandwiches. I could eat them breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. Now that winter has hit, ironically, its slurpies. The other night i woke up around 2am wanting one sooo bad that i whipped out my blender and tried making one with ice, sugar, and a kool-aid packet since the gas station was closed lol.

Am I the only one who has normal pregnancy cravings?
Q. I know people who have outrageous pregnancy cravings like pickles and ice cream, matches, clay and junk like that (my aunt actually ATE some of that whack stuff cuz she had a deficiency!) But my cravings are healthy like raspberries, fruits and vegetables, low on meat, but cheese and yogurt are great...anyone else ahve normal cravings?

A. Mine have all thankfully been food cravings. With my first pregnancy I couldn't get enough fruit smoothies. Never really fancied them before getting pregnant, but I ended up buying a Magic Bullet because I would have at least one per day. When you crave something like fruit, why fight it, right?

With my second pregnancy, my cravings haven't all been so healthy. I'm craving fruit again - this time it's mostly raspberries and blueberries which I'll buy frozen and not even wait for them to thaw completely before eating, jelly beans, and the occasional chocolate (I generally don't crave chocolate so it's a bit weird for me!). I've also craved cinnamon raisin bread and can go through a loaf on my own in less than a week if I'm not careful!

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Why is it considered bad luck to name a baby before it is born?

Q. I have heard many times that it is bad luck to name a baby before its' birth, and that this superstition is very common in the Jewish culture. Can anyone offer some insight into the origins of this bit of pregnancy myth?

A. I think it's just a general superstition, and isn't just in the Jewish culture. If you name a baby before it's born and it dies before or during birth it's kind of like you cursed it to die. Same with getting a crib before your first trimester is up..

How effective is the mini pill?
Q. How effective is the mini pill?
I've read on this site that it's 80 percent:

Appearently, it's because girls under 20 are super fertile... and my girlfriend is 15. However, I've read on other sites that it's like 99 percent, I don't know about teenagers. Is the effectiveness also 99 percent when you are 15? Please answer this question if you really know, this is serious :)


Question about pregnancy myth: Indigestion indicating a baby with lots of hair?
Q. I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first baby, a girl, and I already have pretty intense indigestion sometimes. And I keep hearing from women I know that this means that my baby will be born with lots of hair. Is there any truth to this? If so, what is the scientific reasoning behind it? At what gestation does a baby even begin to grow hair in the womb? Or is just another wives tale about pregnancy that doesn't really hold any water?

A. With my first, I had tons of indigestion during the last month throughout most of the night. She was 2 weeks late and had a very full, fairly long (3 inches long) coal black hair. She was absolutely beautiful! And still is!!

With my second, the indigestion started around the start of the 3rd trimester and lasted almost all day, every day....and night, I was sleeping sitting up to help ease the pain. He was born 2 weeks early and was so bald his head was shiny. He barely even had eyelashes and eyebrows!

My sister in law had quite a bit of heartburn along with an ultrasound that projected a 'halo' around the baby's head which she was told was lots and lots of hair. He had a small coating of peach fuzz.

What Pregnancy Myths have you Bought into?
Q. I have been hearing a lot of silly things from mothers ever since I found out I'm pregnant. And I must say, even though I know they're probably all myths, I'm beginning to let myself believe them.

The big one for me, is that supposedly if you have no morning sickness, you're having a boy. Well, at 6 weeks, I haven't had a sign of morning sickness, so I'm beginning to wonder if they're right!

So-- Are there things that other mother's have told you- that you believe?

Share your stories!

A. I didn't have morning sickness with either of my babies - one boy and one girl. In fact, I didn't even feel pregnant until I got to about five months! My sister puked non-stop with hers - a boy and a girl. One thing I was told was that if you get heartburn, the baby will have lots of hair - I got heartburn and my babies were both born with lots of hair ... so ....

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What types of suppliments and medicines are not good to take with a birth control pill?

Q. I have heard ibuprofen and some others? Does anyone know the full list?

A. Unfortunately, there probably isn't a full list available out there, since there is very little research done on this subject.

Quoted from vaginapagina dot com:
What can interfere with my HBC?

When taking any medication, it's always a good idea to discuss possible HBC interactions with your doctor or your pharmacist. Some online sources, such as this report from the UK's Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit (links to PDF document) and this drug interaction checker are also good starting points.

Prescription Medications and Herbal Supplements

A brief overview of the basics:

Antibiotics--The antibiotics rifampicin and rifabutin have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of most hormonal contraceptives, though they don't appear to reduce the effectiveness of Depo Provera or the Mirena IUD. The evidence for other antibiotics is inconclusive, so it's best to discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist, and/or to use a backup method "just in case." (Source: FFPRHC)

Anti-Epilepsy Medications--"Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitol, primidone, and topiramate all interact. (These drugs may also be used for control of bipolar disorder) Your doctor may recommend a high-dose pill, or a backup method." (VPer smallstar mentioned this in this comment, which is also supported by the FFPRHC)

Antifungals--Most (like the commonly prescribed fluconazole and OTC yeast infection treatments) will have no effect on HBC. However, the antifungal griseofulvin will. (FFPRHC)

Antiretrovirals--These are the drugs commonly used to treat HIV. Some of them will interact with HBC while some do not. Discuss specific medications with your doctor or pharmacist.

Barbiturates--Some barbiturates fall into the category of anti-seizure medications. However, some, such as butalbital (found in medications such as Fiorinal), can be found in muscle relaxers and/or medications to treat migraines. According to Health A to Z and other sources, barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Backup protection is recommended.

St. John's Wort--According to Contraception Online, there have been small studies done in the UK and in Sweden in which some women taking both St. John's Wort and oral contraceptive pills experienced breathrough bleeding and/or unintended pregnancies. Though these studies were small, it is generally recommended that women not combine the use of St. John's Wort and HBC if they are relying on HBC for cycle regulation or pregnancy prevention.

Other Drugs and Herbal Supplements--To be safe, check each product with a doctor, pharmacist or herbalist before beginning the new treatment.

Is it safe to take Zoloft during pregnancy?
Q. I recently discovered that I'm pregnant. I'm about 6 weeks right now. I've been taking 50 milligrams of Zoloft for a few months now. I've tried asking my OB-GYN, but she doesn't really want to talk until my next appointment, but that's not for another two weeks. Also, is Ibuprofen safe?

A. instead of taking ib profen take tylenol.

Is it normal to have bleeding a cramping during pregnancy?
Q. I am only 6 weeks along and I woke up with what i call "first day of period cramps" the annoying cramps you get when its your first day of your period but it isn't bad enough for ibuprofen some small bleeding that ( im sorry) i wiped, and when i wiped again the bleeding was gone. is this normal or should i call my doctor? its saturday my regular doctor office is closed.

A. I had cramps early in my pregnancies, and some spotting. Cramping is due to your uterus stretching. If it stopped, that's GREAT. Do NOT take ibuprofin when you are pregnant. Only tylenol for pain, unless otherwise directed. As for spotting, you could be dehydrated. While you're pregnant, concentrate on drinking lots of water. Decaf ice tea is fine, too. :)

How to help severe cramps after miscarriage?
Q. My g/f recently had a miscarriage, and has started having SEVERE cramps tonight. The doctor said this could last up to six weeks, but I can't stand her being in so much pain. She has already taken Ibuprofen, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.. I was wondering if this is because of the clots still being there, and any remedies people may know to ease her cramps from this?

A. During my last miscarriage last summer the cramps were absolutely unbearable. The cramps are caused by her body trying to expel the pregnancy tissue. My doctor gave me a week pain killer to help with the pain because I told him how bad it was. I think he ended up giving me hydrocodone? Tell her to ask, I'm sure they will be sympathetic.

Best wishes to both of you

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How does pregnancy spotting look like?

Q. i am 4 days late on my period. it is not normal for me to be this late. i always know when it comes and its never been this late. i took a pregnancy test yesterday came out negative:/ idk if its a bit to early to test as i read online. me and my husband have been trying to conceive. i believe i am having some spotting and some cramps. but idk if it is spot from a pregnancy. the spotting is a lite pink and today i just got it a bit more heavy like a quarter size. then yesterdays. is it normal that i bleed that much?


Is it to early to take a home pregnancy test?
Q. I think i might be having early pregnancy spotting but i don't know for sure is it to early to take a home pregnancy test???? If it is to early when should i take a home pregnancy test????

A. Too early is when you test more than 5 days before your expected period or 14 days after unprotected sex

Its best to wait until you MISS a period to take a test

What is the difference between "spotting" and a normal period?
Q. So, I'm trying to get pregnant. I may be over-zealous. Whenever I go to look what the early signs of pregnancy are, spotting is one of the signs.

How heavy is spotting? Can it look like a normal period? Act like a normal period?

A. While spotting can be a sign of early pregnancy, few women actually experience this. You shouldn't use this as a basis for possible fertilization. But none the less, "spotting" is not going to feel like your period. You may experience some slight cramps with it but not the "flow" feeling of blood leaving your body. You know how you can tell you have started overnight, or the way you know you have leaked past a tampon. Spotting should be quick, and light colored. If not in a traditional splatters, it should not last more than a day and you should not soak through a pad in two hours. If you still want to speculate on the pregnancy before you get results try instead if you feel different. As spacey as that sounds, a woman can usually tell when her period is approaching. Do you still have that feeling like your period is about the begin? Or maybe you are more susceptible to smells, not overbearing but slightly. Good luck and remember to trust yourself, if are not spotting but having an actual menstrual cycle you know it even if you don't want to. I wish you the best.

When should I go to the hospital for early pregnancy spotting?
Q. I am 11 soon to be 12 weeks pregnant. Last night I started spotting and it has continued on to today. It is very light pinkish brown. Is this normal? Should I go to the emergency room and get it checked out or wait for my appointment in 3 days?

A. i have had both outcomes from spotting during pregnancy. my first pregnancy i started spotting at 12 weeks it was very light and brown. i went to the hospital straight away and they told me it was normal and they were not concerned because i had seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks,and the spotting wasnt heavy,and also my hcg levels were still rising. i wasnt convinced so i made them give me an ultrasound,i turns out i had a missed miscarriage and my baby had died at 9 weeks.
with this pregnancy i had spotting at 5,7,9,11 weeks and everytime i went and got an ultrasound i turned out the baby was healthy and alive.
its really not worth taking the chance when it comes to any type of bleeding or spotting. it can be normal but i would still go and get it checked asap.
good luck and i hope everything ok.

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What does your cervix feel like if your pregnant?

Q. If you've felt your cervix during a pregnancy, what does it feel like?
I know it's a little tmi, but can you describe it?

A. You check your cervix all you want (just wash your hands first!) Some people's are difficult to get to, they're pretty far back. That said, a pregnant cervix gets like pretty hard cartilage, like the tip of your nose.

If your cervix is closed during pregnancy, why do some have leukhorrea?
Q. I've read a lot that the cervix is supposed to remain firm and closed during pregnancy. If that's true, then why do some women have extra vaginal discharge, such as leukhorrea, when pregnant if their cervix is closed?

A. it isn't the cervix that produces the discharge,its the vagina itself.the vagina is self cleaning (the discharge is the way it does it).an increase in discharge while pregnant is completely normal

leukorrhea is a different thing - it can be a sign of infection and this should always be investigated

Is there anything they can do about a torn cervix during pregnancy?
Q. The first doctor I went to tore my cervix and it has bled during my whole pregnancy. Is there anything they can do for it until I have the baby? I am about 5 months pregnant now and it just gets annoying bleeding off and on.

A. I would certainly be looking into doing something legal about this Doctor that tore your cervix. I have had 2 children, and nor have I ever even heard that a Doctor could tear your cervix.

Ask them to stitch your cervix. That is about the only option you have.

How is there a discharge of fluids during pregnancy, when cervix is closed?
Q. I have heard that cervix is closed with mucus plug so nothing can enter or get out of the uterus. Then how is there discharge during pregnancy? Where do these fluids come out? Thanks for your answers.


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How long does a false pregnancy present in Chihuahuas?

Q. Does the false pregnancy present full term or is there a point you can tell that they are actually pregnant?
If they are pregnant, how often should they go for walks and how long?
We have been to the vet since the assumed conception, but at that point our vet said the test would be unreliable.
We haven't gone back as of yet so I was looking for some insight in the meantime.
If I had wanted condescension about not knowing or having her spayed I would have asked a different question.

A. It can last as long as a pregnancy. Only way to know for sure is to go to the Vet and have a pregnancy test done.

How do you know if a rabbit has a false pregnancy?
Q. How do you know when your rabbit has a false pregnancy and when will she stop acting like she's pregnant?

A. A rabbit might go through a false pregnancy is she is bred to a buck but doesn't get pregnant or even if another female rabbit mounts her. Signs of pregnancy can include restlessness, increased appetite and digging in the cage, and throwing around bowls, toys, etc. Around the 18th day of a false pregnancy, your doe may carry hay and make a nest and pull fur from her chest and belly. This is a pretty good sign she's experienced a false pregnancy. She may be bred again after that.

A genuine pregnancy lasts approximately 31 days.

How does your body have a false pregnancy?
Q. I dont understand how that works. Could you explain the following please.
1. What causes a false pregnancy?
2. What happens to your body?
3. What is the aftermath of such an experience?

Please and thank you.

A. Some women believe without a doubt they are truly pregnant. Their bodies secrete hormones to physically mock a real pregnancy. They start to have symptoms that normal pregnant women have and some even believe they feel the "baby" moving. The aftermath usually results in the woman realizing she is not pregnant (which is hard since this condition is mainly mental), and may lead to medication, therapy, etc. Usually pregnancy tests and/or an ultrasound are ways used to show the woman she is not with child. Hope this helped.

Can a female dog go into heat immediately following a false pregnancy?
Q. My female boston terrier experienced a false pregnancy recently. Her Vulva is still swollen. I just need to know if she is still receptive and possibly fertile. She went into heat on April 3rd. I am looking for a 3rd opinion. My friend who has bred and shown dogs for 30 yrs says to take her to the vet. I took my dog to the vet, and the vet said their isn't anything wrong with her. She did an ultrasound to confirm the false pregnancy and to look for Pyrometra.

A. No! she probably won't come in heat again until October...most dogs only have 2 heat cycles in a 12 month period...some even only have one.

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Can you have an ectopic pregnancy if you've already had a normal ultrasound?

Q. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and had an ultrasound that confirmed a uterine pregnancy. I keep noticing signs of an ectopic pregnancy but am not sure if they are relevant. When I found out I did not have morning sickness now all the sudden I get nauseas more, and ive been having mild cramps since I found out, and just got shoulder pain but it could be from sleeping or work.

A. Nope you're safe. Try to relax, 6 weeks is a common time to be experiencing a lot more symptoms, and some of them can be weird. Mild cramping, random aches and pains, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, trouble sleeping. All those things are normal and happen to a lot of us. Don't worry too much unless you are having unbearable pain. Congrats on your pregnancy and try to get some rest, your body needs it. :)

What are the signs of an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I have an IUD in and lately I have been having spotting in between my periods and for the past couple days I have been having a sharp stabbing pain on my left lower abdomen that comes and goes. Does this sound like an ectopic pregnancy or am I over reacting?
I didnt have it put in recently. I had it put in over a year and a half ago.

A. Though you would not think so with you having the IUD But It could be possible,especially regarding the pain in your lower left abdomen..this could be an ectopic pregnancy in your left fallopian tube.
Sometimes,depending on how far the pregnancy is developed,the actual embryo can come away with a bleed naturally and this is far more common occurrence than we think.
Sometimes however they can require surgical removal,often in emergency,as if left an ectopic pregnancy can have quite serious consequences.

Mother nature plays many tricks on us and the trouble is that many symptoms associated with pregnancies ectopic or otherwise,can also be easily compaired to the symptoms of your periods so can easily be confusing..So while I wouldn't worry too much,see if these pains pass over the next few days but if they worsen at all then seek medical help as soon you can.

Hope you feel better real soon,Good Luck! xxx

Could it be a sign of ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I am 6 weeks pregnant and i have just starting getting a very slight pain to one side, the pain is not severe and comes and goes. Could this be a sign of ectopic pregnancy?

A. lol i wrote the exact question when i was 6 weeks!! i really panicked and the hospital gave me an ultrasound and me and the baby were fine!! im now 11 weeks and still get them one sided pains! and they occasionally swap sides for a second! congrats!

What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?
Q. What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy? Would you feel the pains early on like before missed period? How severe are the pains and are they only felt on one side?

A. I had an ectopic 2 years ago. symptoms are should pain, pain concentrated on one side, and cramping. You may have only one or you may have them all. If you think it is ectopic you need to see a doctor right away. if your tube bursts you could die from internal bleeding. Personally I had no symptoms until the end where I started bleeding and my doctor thought I was just having a miscarriage. He scheduled me for a d&c and laporscopy and on the day of my surgery my tube started to burst. I had no pain or symptoms only that I started to have signs of a miscarriage. Please be safe and see a doctor. It is not worth the chance. Also, having an ectopic does not ruin your chances of ever conceiving a healthy baby so don't be discouraged if it happens. Like I said I had an ectopic 2 years ago and I am pregnant with a healthy baby now. We are 19 weeks pregnant. It may take longer but the reward is so worth the wait and I would not change anything!

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Rh alloimmunization during pregnancy - is there a similar rxn with regard to the ABO system?

Q. I dunno if anyone will be able to help me with this, but I'm curious. I understand Rh sensitization during pregnancy and why it's important to prevent it. My question is this: is there a similar reaction to a mixing of maternal and fetal blood with regard to the ABO system? If not, then why not? It seems like it would work on the same principle, but I've never heard of a drug that addresses such a problem.

A. With Rh factor, named after it's discovery using Rhesus monkeys, the problem occurs when the fetus is Rh+ (thus HAS the Rh+ protein) and the mother is Rh- (does NOT have the protein). In this case the child would have gotten this protein from the father. The mother's body sees the protein as foreign, at least to her, and tries to destroy it, and in doing so harms the fetus in the process. With the ABO system you can have whats called ABO incompatibility. This disease afflicts newborns whose mothers are blood type O, and who have a baby with type A, B, or AB.

Ordinarily, the antibodies against the foreign blood types A and B that circulate in mother's bloodstream remain there, because they are of a type that is too large to pass easily across the placenta into the fetal circulation. Some fetal red cells always leak into mother's circulation across the placental barrier (mother and fetal blood theoretically do not mix, but in actuality, they do to a small degree).

These fetal red cells stimulate the formation of a smaller type of anti-A or anti-B antibody which can pass into the baby's circulation and there cause the destruction of fetal red cells. The increased rate of destruction of red cells causes a subsequent increase in waste product production. This excess waste product, bilirubin, can overwhelm the normal waste elimination processes and lead to jaundice, the presence of excess bilirubin.

This condition is one of the hemolytic anemias. Jaundice is the most common problem encountered, which may require phototherapy or even exchange transfusion. Anemia of some severity is sometimes encountered and may need to be tracked with serial blood counts, but I have yet to see a case severe enough to justify transfusion. For reasons that are unclear, B-O incompatibility (mother type O, baby type B) seems to be in general more severe than A-O incompatiblity.

Can you get two rhogam shot during pregnancy?
Q. I wanted to know can you get two rhogam shot during pregnancy? Cause I research an dad that said only one.

A. from personal experience having 3 boys all A positive, the older two born in the 80's no rhoGAM during pregnancy only the day after. My son born in the 90's I had one shot at 28 weeks and he developer multiple health issues caused by the mercury. I asked my current gyno and he said the shot given the day after a positive birth was so effective that less than 2% of babies developed RH disease and hemolytic anemia. He said the only reason the shot is given during pregnancy is to increase profits. The less than 2% would never be helped by the shot. There is always a risk of any medicine in pregnancy. My middle son had RH disease and he is a Jr. in college on a football scholarship with a 3.2 GPA. I'll take 6 months of treatment for RH disease over the life long problems my youngest suffers. He will never hold a job, live on his own, marry or have friendships.

Is it true that Anemic people have a complicated pregnancy?
Q. I'm not pregnant, but my blood type is O positive and my blood type has a lot of blood anemia and i just wanted to know like what are the complications that they have while pregnant cause babies practically drain u of blood during pregnancy don't they? I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, but I'm just really curious about how can i find out more information about the complications of my blood type and possible complications during pregnancy.

A. You should be fine. Your blood type will not cause you any problems. Lots of women are anemic all the time as well as during pregnancy. They may prescribe you iron pills to take once or twice a day. Babies don't drain you of blood. Your blood volume actually increases by 50% when you are pregnant. They will check your blood type when you become pregnant because the only real risk is if you were Rh-, meaning you were A-, B- , etc. No worries.

How long after pregnancy does you hair stop falling out?
Q. I've always heard that your hair wont fall out as much and be really pretty during pregnancy and that afterward its very normal for it to fall out.

Well now, my son is 11 weeks and my hair is still falling out!! I counted last time and I got over 80 hairs out (give or take) during my shower and styling. I'm not noticing any bald patches or anything and I'm not doing anything different with my hair care routine so what gives??

Postpartum hair loss is a normal - and temporary - postpartum change that is unrelated to breastfeeding. Most women will return to their usual hair growth cycle between 6 and 12 months after birth.

Many new moms notice hair loss - sometimes quite dramatic - around three months postpartum. This is a normal - and temporary - postpartum change that is unrelated to breastfeeding.

Following is how the hair growth cycle works:

All hair has a growth phase, termed anagen, and a resting phase, telogen. On the scalp, anagen lasts approximately 3 years, while telogen lasts roughly 3 months, although there can be wide variation in these times between individuals. During telogen, the resting hair remains in the follicle until it is pushed out by growth of a new anagen hair.
-- from Telogen Effluvium by Elizabeth CW Hughes, MD

Normally, around 85-95% of your hair is in the growth phase at any point in time, but the hormonal changes during pregnancy stimulate an increase in the percentage of hairs in the growth phase. As a result, many women enjoy thicker hair during pregnancy, as more hairs than normal are growing and fewer than normal are resting/shedding.

With the birth of your baby (and the hormonal changes that accompany birth), a larger number of hairs than normal enter the resting phase. Since the resting phase is followed by hair shedding (and regrowth), new mothers will experience greater than normal hair loss once the resting phase ends.

Postpartum hair loss commonly starts at around three months after birth. The amount of time between childbirth and the onset of shedding corresponds to the length of the resting phase of hair growth (between 1 and 6 months, with an average of three months). The hair loss can seem more extreme if your hair grew much more than normal during pregnancy, or if you have long hair. Most women will return to their usual hair growth cycle within six months, or between 6 and 12 months after birth.

If you feel that your hair loss is greater than the norm, or if things are not back to normal by the time your baby is 12 months old, then see your doctor. Excessive hair loss can be caused by common and easy-to-remedy postpartum conditions such as hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or iron-deficiency anemia.

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When is the best time to take pregnancy test?

Q. Had my period june 24, lasted about 3 days. I'm on birthcontrol and take it everyday. Getting symptoms for pregnancy(constant headache, sore breasts, cramps and mood swings). When would be a good time to take a home pregnancy test? Would it be too early considering I had my period on the 24?

A. You don't test in relation to your period, you test in relation to when you had sex last. If you are on bc then you shouldn't be pregnant and your symptoms can be from that. Test 3 weeks from when you last had sex or after a missed period.

What can I do about my wifes pregnancy headaches?
Q. My wife gets very sudden headaches and she's 4 months pregnant. Besides Tylenol what else can we do about it.

A. Theres really nothing to do except take medicine-ask your doctor she may be able to take IB Profen now since she is in her second trimester. That and lying down are the only things that really can help.

How many days after ovulation should you test and get an accurate response?
Q. I tested 10dpo and again at 12dpo and still negative. I am showing so many signs of pregnancy from headaches to veins showing on breast, but still nothing. Has anyone experienced this before and turned out to be positive. Please respond. Thanks

A. You should wait at least 14 days(that's where the phrase "2wks wait" comes from). 14 days will usually put you at the day your period is due. Read the box for the hpt you are using as well, they all detect different levels of hcg and will be accurate at different times.

How soon did you start to feel exhausted and headaches in early pregnacy?
Q. how soon did you start to feel exhausted in early pregnancy and have headaches?

i have been tired at 4pm the last few days and been having headaches off and on last week.

when did you start feeling those in early pregnacy?

i decided i will test tomorrow am with a test and see what it says.

im 4 days late now for AF


A. Everybody is different when they start feeling symptoms. Mine started immediately. I was sick at my stomach one minute and fine the next. My boobs were killing me. (Still are. lol) The big one was I was real emotional. I drive a bus and one day a kid smarted off to me and I cried for 3 hrs. I mean a real boo hoo. My husband was like I think your pregnant. Sure enough he was right. No headaches though.

Good luck! I hope you get the answer you want.

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Has anyone ever heard of a pregnancy mask? Two toned face due to sun?

Q. my face is two diff. Colors. I went to get my make up done and she told me about something called a pregnancy mask. Don't have insurance until I hit 7months in pregnancy. I'm 6months now and even though it's killing me to wait I have no other choice. Please help.

A. I've talked to some ladies on babycenter that had pregnancy mask when they were pregnant. If you do have it there's nothing to be done, and it will go away after you have your baby.

What is best makeup to cover melasma?
Q. I have just discovered that I have Melasma or Pregnancy mask on my face and especially my upper lip. I am trying to find a makeup that will cover it with out feeling like sludge. I do not care how much it costs. What is the best?

A. The dermablend line makes products with exceptional coverage for troubled skin

Pregnancy Mask?Have any of you ever had one?How do you get rid of it?Should I see a Dermatologist?
Q. My son is almost 18 months and my mask is peeling but not going away!t looks like I have done a really bad job of applying foundation on my face!If you do not know what a pregnancy mask is it is like a dark tan on your face you get when your pregnant.It is getting more noticable the more it is peeling away but it looks horrible!Does anyone know if I can have it removed somehow??

A. some moms get the "pregnancy mask" & some don't but i would go to my dermatologist to get a product to fade it. he/she might prescribe tri-luma, a triple ingredient product frequently used to fade this type of problem. you might get a salicylic acid peel (20 or 30 percent.) this will slough off skin & hopefully reveal new clearer skin beneath. use an alpha/beta hydroxy product to help w/ cell turnover daily. i use olay regenerist wash which works like a mini microdermabrasion daily. you might like it too.
remember to wear sunscreen daily b/c the sun will cause your face to product melanin which is dark pigment & this is what you are trying to reduce.
good luck!

what s the best cream for melasma ? i tried everything from biotherm to neostrata nothing seems to work?
Q. hi i have a pregnancy mask & i ve been trying all sorts of brown spot stubborn spots cream ( biotherm neostrata la roche posay ...) nothing seems to work helppppppppppppp


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How does one differentiate between stomach pain from taking Plan B and stomach pain from an ectopic pregnancy?

Q. Stomach pain is a typical side effect of taking Plan B but there is also a small risk for an ectopic pregnancy, which has a symptom of stomach pain. How does one tell the difference? What other symptoms would indicate an ectopic pregnancy rather than just typical side effects of Plan B? Thanks.

A. Plan B prevents pregnancy just days after the woman has sex. An ectopic pregnancy takes just as long to implant as a normal pregnancy, 7-10 days. An ectopic pregnancy has pain located mostly on one side and may move to the center of the abdomen. It's extremely tender and the woman may have nausea and dizzyness. Hope that helps.

What were your symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?
Q. I am sitting in the er worried I have an ectopic pregnancy. What were your symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy? I am supposedly 6 weeks but I have always had irregular periods

A. it is so much pain you will want to go to the dr.

How often does ectopic pregnancy occur without any symptoms?
Q. Could you point me to any scientific study. In what percentage of fallopian tube ruptures there were no symptoms of ectopic pregnancy (pain, bleeding).


What are the odds of having an ectopic pregnancy? What are the symptoms?
Q. I have this irrational fear of my pregnancy being ectopic. I don't even know how it got into my head, honestly. My boyfriend and I have been trying to get pregnant for the first time, this month. So, to ease my mind... what are the odds of having an ectopic pregnancy rather than a regular one? What are the symptoms? If you've ever had one, what was your experience?

I just want to stop worrying. If I do become pregnant, I know that stress isn't good.

A. hi :)

Im 22 weeks pregnant with my first and i had a suspected ectopic pregnancy,i had extremely bad cramping and kept passing out and i bled once so they took me into hospital but it turned out that the baby was fine.Once you hear that your baby is fine the worry fades away,its not irrational to feel the way you are feeling because it just sounds like you care so much!Don't get me wrong im not gunna say that i have no worries now at all but its just natural to worry that the little life inside you is happy and well.Dont stress just chill,the chance of you having a beautiful healty baby are very high!

good luck in your quest for pregnancy!

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When should I go to the hospital for early pregnancy spotting?

Q. I am 11 soon to be 12 weeks pregnant. Last night I started spotting and it has continued on to today. It is very light pinkish brown. Is this normal? Should I go to the emergency room and get it checked out or wait for my appointment in 3 days?

A. i have had both outcomes from spotting during pregnancy. my first pregnancy i started spotting at 12 weeks it was very light and brown. i went to the hospital straight away and they told me it was normal and they were not concerned because i had seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks,and the spotting wasnt heavy,and also my hcg levels were still rising. i wasnt convinced so i made them give me an ultrasound,i turns out i had a missed miscarriage and my baby had died at 9 weeks.
with this pregnancy i had spotting at 5,7,9,11 weeks and everytime i went and got an ultrasound i turned out the baby was healthy and alive.
its really not worth taking the chance when it comes to any type of bleeding or spotting. it can be normal but i would still go and get it checked asap.
good luck and i hope everything ok.

If implantation bleeding occurs how far along pregnant am I?
Q. Im pretty sure I am spotting. Ive had tons of pregnancy symptoms...last week a negative HPT. But today when i wiped i had brownish red spotting. Thought it was period....nothing more came out. If it is pregnancy spotting (which we are wanting another baby and having sex) how far along would I be, and when should I do a test again?

A. If this is the time you are supposed to have a period and it is late but with just spotting it could be implantation bleeding. I have never had it but you could be maybe four weeks pregnant if this is your first missed period. You could have conceived around the time you had your last period. Good luck

How do you know the difference between a light period and pregnancy spotting?
Q. I know that you can have light spotting when youre pregnant, but a period can also be light and spotting.. How do you tell the difference? I get light periods a lot and I hate it because I never really know if that means I'm pregnant or not.. Is there a way to know other than taking a test everytime I get a lighter period?

A. There is no way of telling really unless its a lot lighter than your usual period, hardly enough to see except on a tissue when you wipe yourself.

Periods usually contain enough blood/womb lining that you need to wear a tampon or pad at least for a couple of days. If its this heavy and happens when you normally would expect your period then I would think it indicates you are not pregnant.

Can pregnancy spotting last for about 2 weeks?
Q. I'm wondering if I am pregnant... Can spotting of pregnancy last up to 2 weeks? And can you still get pregnant whilst on the pill and using a condom?

A. You should ask your doctor what's going on with the spotting, as it could be any number of things--including a side effect from the pill. Some things that may help determine what's going on: have you missed any pills? how long have you been on the pill, and how has it affected you over the time you've been taking it? how heavy or light is the bleeding? have you noticed any other symptoms? These questions and probably others can help determine what's going on. Without these details, it's impossible for anyone to figure this out.
The only question I can answer here is the possibility of getting pregnant with the pill and condoms: there is still a chance, although if you've been using one or both methods correctly, it is very slim.
Textbook pregnancy spotting is usually lighter in flow and color than a period, and is usually shorter as well. I don't know if it can be longer.
And unless you're bleeding really heavily, I don't advise going directly to the hospital/emergency room, unless you have no other access to a doctor. It's expensive, and it clogs the emergency rooms.

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Has anyone experienced this during pregnancy?

Q. Has anyone experienced pretty bad diarrhea during pregnancy? If so, does anyone know the cause of this?

Thank you so much!

A. Like the answer above me, I'm a little jealous! I had horrible constipation.

Make sure you stay hydrated for sure, because if you get dehydrated it can start to decrease the amount of amniotic fluid (I got severely dehydrated during my second pregnancy and the doctor had me hospitalized and pumped full of IV fluids, not fun) which is really bad for the baby.

Make sure you mention it to the doctor, they may have some suggestions about how to make it stop =)

is stomach cramps and uncontrollable diarrhea normal during pregnancy?
Q. I am currently about 4 months pregnant. For the passed 5 days i've been having uncontrollable diarrhea. I've also been getting random really bad stomach cramps for the passed 2 days, that last just a few seconds. I think the stomach cramps have to do with horrible gas. Are these symptoms normal or is something wrong? If something is wrong, what are the possibilities that it could be?

A. I would actually call your OB tomorrow -

While its normal to have diarrhea during pregnancy it shouldn't last 5 days

Your body does one of two things when pregnant - it either speeds way down and you get constipated or it speeds way up and you get diarrhea - but diarrhea for 5 straight days isn't normal

Is it normal to have diarrhea during pregnancy?
Q. I am 25 weeks. For the past couple week I've been having diarrhea. Is this normal?

A. Yes it's normal.......
Good luck and congrats in your pregnancy!

Is diarrhea a normal part of morning sickness?
Q. I just found out I am pregnant. My first doctor appointment isn't for over a month. I am having a little bit of diarrhea. I feel a little sick to my stomach too. Could this be part of morning sickness? Has anyone else had diarrhea during early pregnancy? I think I'm about 5 weeks.

A. I hope it is, because I just had it last night, and I puked at the same time, I have never done that before. My breast have never been this sore before either, so I am hoping that is a symptom. I would deal with this everyday to be pregnant. I hope you feel better soon. Drink some ginger ale and eat some saltine crackers, it helps.

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Why are African American teens getting pregnant at a faster rate than other races?

Q. I am doing a report on African American teenage pregnancy and one of the questions I had to answer was why more African American teen women get pregnant than other races. I need theories on why this is happening. Is it because of culture? Is it because of their socioeconomic status?

A. To the person who mentioned Hispanic teens, Hispanic isn't a race, it's the group of people who have Spanish as their mother tongue and they can be any race.

You need to go use EBSCO or some other search engine for online articles. You can't just ask teens here because surely you need references. And yes teenage pregnancy does have to do with socioeconomic status but also educational opportunities and family history.

To ? - It's not stupid at all. African American teenagers are more likely to become teen mothers and if you can find out the causes then you can hopefully address them and lower the rate.

Stop getting uppity about the facts teens. I studied Social Policy and Society as well as Minorities as part of one of my Psychology Modules and this is just how life is.

Big - African Americans don't live in African countries hence the American part. You're so ignorant. There are cities in Africa that are bigger than European and American cities.

Why do you think America has such issues with teen pregnancy?
Q. They teach sex ed in school, why don't teens take it seriously? And why is there such a difference in American teen pregnancy vs. the rest of the world?

A. In most states parents have to give permission for a child to go to sex education. In only thirteen states does the information given in sex ed have to be medically accurate. In many states they cover only abstinence or say that birth control is ineffective. Parents don't talk to kids about sex, they assume that kids will find out on their own. They don't talk about how sex leads to pregnancy, only that sex is bad. We shouldn't push sex under the rug. It is wrong to do that to children.

How can we help to prevent and someday eradicate abortion, which has touched the lives of so many people?
Q. Abortion in the United States has taken the lives of nearly 46 million Americans since 1973 more than all the wars and acts of terrorism combined. 1 in 3 Black American pregnancies end in Abortion. What is going to be done about this great killer of humanity?
Facts on Abortion in USA

A. They have murdered 47 million people and then they wonder why there is no Social Security money...go figure!

In answer to your question, I think women should keep their legs closed. Works for me!!!

Would Margaret Sanger be happy now that 60% of African American pregnancies end in abortion?
Q. Since she started Planned Parenthood to promote "eugenics" and African Americans were on her list of undesirables. Would she be happy with today's abortion rate among AA women? Would she see it as a success?

A. I would say YES! She and her coharts have what they wanted.

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Has anyone had or have Cholestasis during pregnancy and what was/is the outcome?

Q. I've been itchy for about a week now but since last night developed big rashes all over my body and fear I might have that I'm going in to see my doctor today but wanted to know more about it from weman who actually have it or got it during pregnancy. Thank you so much for sharing....:)

A. I've already "spoken" with you about my experience, but I'll try to go into a little more detail.

I actually "journaled" both of my pregnancies, so I know exactly when the itching started with my first. It started when I was about 7 weeks pregnant as a rash on my upper arms only. From there it spread across my chest, down my belly, and then down my legs. I actually scratched myself bloody at points.

My ob-gyn sent me to a dermatologist, who found nothing wrong with the standard blood tests (they did not do the needed tests for cholestasis). I was prescribed two different creams but neither helped. On the third trip in, they did a skin biopsy of one of the rashy bumps, and again found nothing. By that time I was about 6 months pregnant, and I looked like I had the plague or something. The itch kept me up at night even. I would wake up scratching with the sheets all bloody.

It did start to slack off a little when I was about 30 weeks, but then my daughter was born right at 32 weeks gestation. The itching immediately stopped after she was born, and a different doctor was the one that actually diagnosed the cholestasis postpartum. I also had hypertension, (often associated with cholestasis) and gestational diabetes with her.

I did not have any of the problems with my son that I had with my daughter, even though they say that if you have cholestasis with one you will have it with subsequent pregnancies. Go figure. I was much healthier with my second than I was with my first, so maybe that had something to do with it.

has anyone ever had obstetric cholestasis or pre eclampsia?
Q. heya i had it with my daughter and am planning another child but am really really scared i will get it again, i also had gall stones and pre eclampsia with that pregnancy and was induced at 38 weeks and ended up with a c section because of it . if anyone has had more than one baby and had the condition could you please fill me in. also stories of your exp would be nice for both as i just want something to NOT be worried about

A. yes you can get everything again, you will tend to find people who have never had these problems think they know more, speak to your doctor, they will tell you that with every pregnancy there is risks of everything whether youve had them before or never! I myself had a perfectly healthy first pregnancy, which due to being overdue and baby being in distress, i too had to have an emergency c-section. Im now currently pregnant with my second child (36wks) and iv had every problem there is! Im being induced monday thanks to Cholestasis - But even tho my first pregnancy resulted in a c-section, and the fact that i have cholestasis, there is no reason why i cant try natural! I have the choice whether to be induced and try natural or to go to theatre for a section (i still havent decided what to do!!).
Dont let people or whats happened scare you, if we all let these things bother us we'd never have children. Listen to your heart and if you want more kids go for it... Your doctor will look after you (iv had fortnightly checkups with an obstetrician all thru my pregnancy as well as scans once a month!) SO long as you keep up to date with your apointments, you will be fine. And you will be in the best hands if they were to think something wasnt right.

Is itchy feet at 6 weeks of pregnancy a sign of cholestasis?
Q. My feet itched so much last night that I couldn't sleep. I'm quite alarmed because I read on the net that itchy feet and palms is a sign of cholestatis which can cause fetal death. But most women affected were in their third trimester. Am I worrying over nothing?

A. I had Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) during my pregnancy with my son. I itched ALL OVER and it started towards the end of my 2nd trimester. Talk to your doctor about this, they can run a simple blood test to test your liver function. That will let them know if this is caused by cholstasis or not.

Its more then likely not just because its so early on in the pregnancy but you never know. Its better to be safe then sorry. Just talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment.

BTW reading things on the internet can make you go crazy!!! The doctors found a cyst on my son's brain and did some blood tests. They told me not to look it up but I did anyways. Worried myself to death over nothing. My son didn't have what they were testing for and was completley healthy.

What is the name of the condition that pregnant women may get that causes the symptom "itching"?
Q. I just happen to be watching Discovery Health one day and saw an episode on the condition but forgot the name. I wanted to look it up. The only thing I remember is that the woman had itching over her body and fingers. I think it had something to do with the liver as well. I am currently having this itching symptom, and I'm 7 months pregnant.

A. What you are thinking of is called Cholestatis of Pregnancy, which is an itchy rash that is caused by a bile blockage in your liver. If you think you have it, you should definitely discuss it with your midwife or doctor.

However, it's also possible that you have another, much more common and less harmful rash called PUPPPS (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy.) PUPPPs affects women usually in their third trimester, and it's completely harmless to the mother and baby. It's a rash that spreads and is incredibly itchy, and unfortunately, the only cure is giving birth. I had PUPPPs, and it was awful, and it only went away two weeks after birth. You can consult a dermatologist, who may be able to give you something to speed the cure or reduce the itching.

People say that the difference between PUPPPs and Cholestasis is that Cholestasis is primarily in the hands and feet, but I had PUPPPs that was primarily in my hands and feet (until it spread) and it was definitely PUPPPs, and not Cholestasis.

I've included a few links below about both Cholestatis and PUPPPs for your reference.

The only thing that I found that helped was cooling the rash. People recommend Sarna cream, but I found that blue gel ice packs and cool baths, and soaking my feet and hands in cold water, was the only thing that gave me real relief. (I tried pretty much every cream and gel and ointment out there, and cooling the rash was the only thing that worked.)

Good luck!

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Trying to conceive after an etopic pregnancy?

Q. I lost one of my fallopion tube due to an etopic pregnancy (EP). Before i was diagnose with EP, i had 1 abortion and 1 miscarriage. My doctor advise me that the other tube is very healty and i should try to conceive again. After the operation to remove my fallopion tube, resting for about a year i've been trying to conceive again. I've been trying for the last 4 months but was unsuccessful. Should I consult my doctor again or should i retry? I am very disappointed.

A. Hey how are you?I also had part of my right tube removed last yr due to a tubal pregnancy.They tried treating me with that methotrexate but to no avail 2 days later because my beta was still going up rushed me into emergency surgery.I concieved again 4 mths later and lost my son at 21 weeks due to a bad fall down some stairs at work.I ripped my placenta from the wall.So the answer is YES you can still concieve.This happened in Jan of this yr.So I just started trying again in April,I though the d&c from Jan caused me to have scar tissue on my uteran walls and they gave me an SHG and HSG and nothing.Evrything looks good and a ton of blood work to check horomone levels progesterone etc.. so I'm just waiting.My doc said we only have a chance of concieving every other month now.He said you do ovulate from EACH side every other month.So this month right side next month left and so on.Goodluck you.E mail me if you have any questions.I'm really cool and down to earth.

For women who have had an etopic pregnancy?
Q. I have a question for women who have had an etopic pregnancy. How far along were you when you started having symptoms?? What were your first symptoms?

I have an IUD so I have not had a period since Nov 2005 so I can't base anything off my lmp. After I started thinking I might be pregnant I checked and I am not able to feel the strings like you are supposed to. I have been having very bad heartburn & headaches for the last week or so. My stomach has been hurting really bad on the right side as well as my right shoulder into my neck.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

A. I had an ectopic pregnancy in April 05. I didnt even know that I was pregnant. I had a normal period and then spotting followed for a month afterwards. Concerned I went to my obgyn to get checked and I was told that it's probably just from stress and nothing more then that. Yes I know..I now know better. So another 2 weeks went by and the pain that I had in my lower right side intesified to the point that it stopped me from what I was doing (teaching preschoolers). My leg went numb and I had to sit down. That's when I immediately went to my obgyn again and tests were done that I was indeed pregnant and an ultrasound revealed that I had an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube, hence the intense pain that I was having. I was given a shot to clear up the pregnancy and then in Oct of 05 I was pregnant and 9 mos later gave birth to a beautiful little boy that is now 13 months.

what does the ER do when you think you may have a etopic pregnancy?
Q. I am having cramping almost like period cramps and I want to go to the er to make sure that it is not a etopic pregnancy...i just found out last night so i have not meet up with a doctor yet...I want to go to the er to play it safe...but how can they find out if it is a etopic pregnancy?

A. They'll do an ultrasound. Ectopic pregnancies don't present until your at least 6 weeks - so if your less then 6 weeks i wouldn't get too worried. I had terrible cramping with my first pregnancy. I didn't know i was pregnant but had horrible cramps and went to the er. I found out there i was pregnant but they said it wasn't ectopic because i was too early.

how long does it take to get your period after etopic pregnancy?
Q. i had an etopic pregnancy 4 months ago.i had one baby that stopped growing in my right tube before it did damage and another in my uterus. i went for rechecks and everything was fine. however i still not have gotten a period. is that normal i'm worried. i been having thick mucus like discharge with brown in it. i'm starting to worry only cuz it's not here and i've been feeling sick alot since then. like depending on a certian food after eating it i'm throwing up or either just sick. i brought up my concerns and my doctor just tells me not to worry about it. i get stomache cramps that feel like i'm gonna get my period but nothing is there. plus i lost alot of weight since then. i'm just worried can someone please help me out.

A. consider getting a second opinion

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what treatment baby might have after birth?

Q. I was just recently diagnosed with Cholestasis of pregnancy and I was wondering what treatment my baby will have to go through once she is born. I am going to have an Amnio done at 37 weeks for lung maturity and if they are mature enough they will deliver her via c-section that day. So I want to know if she will have to go through any special treatments after she is born?

A. I would check with your Dr. but the reports I've seen is it like jaundice and is fully reversible, all you need to do is be delivered. I know for jaundice they say to put them in sunlight for a specific amount of time.

What relieved the itchiness of prurigo of pregnancy? How soon after birth did it go away?
Q. If you've had prurigo of pregnancy, what relieved the itchiness? And how soon after giving birth did it go away?


A. I'm sorry you have this. I gave birth to my son in Sept 2009 and I had PUPPs (prurigo of pregnancy) from July to August of last year.

Please note that also, cholestasis can mimic certain symptoms of PUPPs.This normally only makes your palms of your hands, and the soles of your feet really itchy, and oftentimes it's the only symptom.This is a serious disease affecting your liver, and is dangerous for both you and your baby.If you have PUPPs symptoms, your dr. should also do a liver function test, as well as a bile-salt test.

Over the Counter Remedies:

Hydrocoritizone cream-From my own experience, this didn't really help much past the first 1-2 days of having PUPPs.Put in the freezer and go stand in front of a fan after putting it on.

Price:This is about $4.00 at CVS or Wal-Mart

Benadryl-Again, this is also a subjective remedy.It does make you drowsy,so pay attention to when you take this.I think the Benadryl/calamine lotion combo works better than the Benadryl pill.If anything,the pill will help you sleep.

Price: $5-8.00

Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion-The active ingredients in this are camphor and menthol, which give you a cool tingly feeling to alleviate some itchiness.It has to be reapplied often, and if you've scratched yourself raw, do not put it on! Trust me, I gave myself contact dermatitis this way.Take a cold shower, then put it on


Doctor-issued remedy:

Corticosteroids: I was given prednisone, 5mg a day for 10 days.Does help alot (I barely have any hives left) but i'm still itchy, but not nearly as bad.

Price:Your insurance should cover it, but I paid $4.00 at Wal-Mart because I didn't have my card on me.walgreen's and cvs charge $15.00.

Comfort-oriented remedies:

Cold showers- several times a day. take one as cold as you can stand it. hot water dries out and irritates your skin further

Oatmeal baths- Aveeno makes this godsend of a product, but there's generic brands too.dump it in lukewarm water, and within 5-10 minutes your itchiness subsides.until, 40 minutes after you get out of the tub and dry off,anyway.

Price- approx. $1.25/per bath solution packet

dress loosely-the more roomy clothes you're wearing, my dr says that your skin "breathes" better. Personally,yoga pants and a tank helped me.Jeans=hell.

Herbal Remedies:

Dandelion Root- this is a pill recommended to me by a friend's midwife. taken 2x/day, it supposedly helps. a tea made from this plant works too.

Price: $8.00

Vitamin K- Studies have shown women with PUPPs or cholestasis BOTH have lower levels of this vitamin.Ask your dr. if your prenatal vitamin needs some help.

Price: unsure

Vitamin E- break open the capsules and apply

Price: $4-8.00

37 weeks, Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (now in control), What complications my baby can face?
Q. Hi,

Doctor detected Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, on 32 weeks and now it is controlled by medicines. Now no more itching, but i am still on medicine.

I am 37 weeks pregnant and exited to see my babay soon. Please suggest me if i need to consider anything for my baby as i my pregnancy is Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy.

Thank you

A. Congrats for the expected baby. In part of my research of all the things that could happen while pregnant, I found this website that could be helpful for you.

Is it possible to have cholestasis of pregnancy if you've had your gallbladder removed?
Q. I had to have my gall bladder removed when I was 6 weeks pregnant due to gallstones and elevated liver enzymes. I am now 31 weeks pregnant and having symptoms of cholethasis but was wondering if that was possible seeing I've had my gallbladder removed?

A. ask your Dr

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Is itchy feet at 6 weeks of pregnancy a sign of cholestasis?

Q. My feet itched so much last night that I couldn't sleep. I'm quite alarmed because I read on the net that itchy feet and palms is a sign of cholestatis which can cause fetal death. But most women affected were in their third trimester. Am I worrying over nothing?

A. I had Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) during my pregnancy with my son. I itched ALL OVER and it started towards the end of my 2nd trimester. Talk to your doctor about this, they can run a simple blood test to test your liver function. That will let them know if this is caused by cholstasis or not.

Its more then likely not just because its so early on in the pregnancy but you never know. Its better to be safe then sorry. Just talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment.

BTW reading things on the internet can make you go crazy!!! The doctors found a cyst on my son's brain and did some blood tests. They told me not to look it up but I did anyways. Worried myself to death over nothing. My son didn't have what they were testing for and was completley healthy.

What is the name of the condition that pregnant women may get that causes the symptom "itching"?
Q. I just happen to be watching Discovery Health one day and saw an episode on the condition but forgot the name. I wanted to look it up. The only thing I remember is that the woman had itching over her body and fingers. I think it had something to do with the liver as well. I am currently having this itching symptom, and I'm 7 months pregnant.

A. What you are thinking of is called Cholestatis of Pregnancy, which is an itchy rash that is caused by a bile blockage in your liver. If you think you have it, you should definitely discuss it with your midwife or doctor.

However, it's also possible that you have another, much more common and less harmful rash called PUPPPS (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy.) PUPPPs affects women usually in their third trimester, and it's completely harmless to the mother and baby. It's a rash that spreads and is incredibly itchy, and unfortunately, the only cure is giving birth. I had PUPPPs, and it was awful, and it only went away two weeks after birth. You can consult a dermatologist, who may be able to give you something to speed the cure or reduce the itching.

People say that the difference between PUPPPs and Cholestasis is that Cholestasis is primarily in the hands and feet, but I had PUPPPs that was primarily in my hands and feet (until it spread) and it was definitely PUPPPs, and not Cholestasis.

I've included a few links below about both Cholestatis and PUPPPs for your reference.

The only thing that I found that helped was cooling the rash. People recommend Sarna cream, but I found that blue gel ice packs and cool baths, and soaking my feet and hands in cold water, was the only thing that gave me real relief. (I tried pretty much every cream and gel and ointment out there, and cooling the rash was the only thing that worked.)

Good luck!

does being induced always work or is there more of a chance of getting a c-section anyways???
Q. I maybe getting induced due to me having gallstones and a poor working gallbladder causing my liver to have a back up of bile which leads to a condition called cholestasis and can cause still birth........
17 and 34 weeks with 1st baby! Its a boy!

A. if your body is not ready for labor there is a very very high chance of needing a csection.
just fyi that you may want to discuss with your doc, The current/newest studies on cholestasis is that the risk of still birth and other pregnancy complications are NOT any higher than the general popluation if it is being treated. Untreated has a slightly higher risk.
Sarna lotion helps the itching a lot, put it on and stand in front of a fan.

what is the name of a rare condition in pregnancy that cause your liver to release toxins into the bloodstream
Q. this causes you to itch all over basically from the inside out. I know its not toxemia or preeclampsia.


What is ICP?
ICP is a pregnancy-related liver disorder in which there are abnormalities in the flow of bile (a substance produced by the liver that aids in the digestion and absorption of fats). These abnormalities lead to a build-up of bile acids (components of bile) in the mother's blood, resulting in symptoms such as severe skin itching.

What are the symptoms of ICP?
The symptoms of ICP can range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually start in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. The most common symptoms include:

Skin itching: Itching often is most severe on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, but many affected women itch all over their bodies. It often gets progressively worse and may interfere with sleep and daily activities.
Jaundice: This yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes occurs in 10 to 20 percent of women with ICP (1). Jaundice is caused by a build-up of a chemical called bilirubin in the blood, resulting from the liver disorder and decreased bile flow.
A pregnant woman should call her health care provider if she has these symptoms.

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How common is ICP?
In the United States, ICP affects less than 1 percent of women (1).

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Drinking caffeine during pregnancy what is your opinion?

Q. I was wondering what your opinion is about drinking caffeine during pregnancy? How much is ok? and in the first trimester should it be completely avoided?

A. Bring on the thumbs down, but i drank at least 7 cans of diet coke a day months 3-delivery day...even sneaking in two right after my c-section (i guess its bad to have carbonated drinks after b/c of bloating) but i couldn't help it...

I did cut back months 1-3 but after the first trimester i couldn't take it anymore...both girls were happy, healthy, and fine.

I was comfortable with my decision, but if you feel like its risky just don't do it :)

I drank a lot of caffeine during my second pregnancy and my daughter is very hyper-connection maybe?
Q. With my second baby I drank more caffeine then I should have, she has been wiggling non stop since the day she was born. Do you think the caffeine during pregnancy is partly to blame for it? My other two pregnancies I didn't drink caffeine and they have a normal amount of energy and can sit still.

A. I also drank alot of caffeine during pregnancy with my son.. And he is a very calm baby.. He is normal though.. So I can't tell you there is a connection.. But every women and baby is different.

How to stop drinking sweet ice tea during pregnancy?
Q. I am 11 weeks pregnant and well aware that caffeine should be avoided in pregnancy, but I can't give up that cup of sweet ice tea. I usually have one cup of ice tea each week, will this harm the baby? Has anyone drank caffeine during pregnancy and baby was ok?

A. I worried about his with my first pregnancy!! When you are pregnant, it is ok to drink caffeine in moderation. If you are used to drinking a large amount of caffeine, then you are supposed to limit it. My doctor told me that it is safe to have 8 oz of coffee a day while pregnant. And tea has even less caffeine than coffee. So I say, go ahead & have your cup of sweet ice tea once a week! Enjoy!! :)

My sister drank regular Pepsi everyday with all three of her children & they all turned out beautiful & healthy! Don't worry so much! :) Congrats on your pregnancy!!

Has there been any study on the effects of caffeine and pregnancy?
Q. I don't drink any sodas or coffee, but I do have the occasional glass of tea (like one 20 oz glass per week). I was wondering if there is any proof out there that caffeine is bad for pregnancy.

A. There have been lots of recent studies, which you can find by googling caffine and pregnancy study" and almost all of them say that 1-2 servings of caffine a day (soda, tea, or coffee) does not make a difference. My Dr. told me that I could have a daily cup of coffee and not think twice about it, which kept me sane when I got really tired.

Just make sure that with the teas that you stay away from Green teas (which blocks the absorption of folic acid) and any teas that have additives in it (like diuretic weight loss teas, or teas enanced with things guarana). It's best to have just straight forward herbal tea.

Hope that helps! Enjoy your tea.

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