Have any of you had a Molar Pregnancy and then went on to have a healthy baby?

Q. I found out yesterday that my pregnancy is abnormal. I have a molar pregnancy. I had 2 losses previously (both had different reasons) then I had a normal healthy baby, and now I have the molar pregnancy. I was just wanting to hear from women who have specifically suffered this type of diagnosis and I am curious if you were able to have a healthy baby following it.

A. 2 years ago i was prego with twins, miscarried, and was diagnosed with a molar pregnancy.

Today i am 3 months prego, and so far, so good.

I don't know too much more about the health and development of my baby.

But i have not had any complications so far.

I do however, pray that all is well & i deliver [one] healthy baby. :]

Good luck, and congrats to you and your family.

What could happen if i got pregnant about a month after having a molar pregnancy?
Q. I had a partial molar pregnancy and my HCG levels went down to zero. I think i may be pregnant again. Is there any way this pregnancy could come out to be healthy? and if it did if i ended up having cancer would it show up after the baby? any answers will be greatly appreciated

A. Yes, it is entirely possible that your pregnancy will be healthy. I had a molar pregnancy and five months after my d&c I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy. I was scared the whole time, but my doctors were wonderful at monitoring me.

My advice would be to find a doctor who babies you. Someone who cares about your feelings. And, when seeing your concern will work to aleviate that. Not all obgyns are created the same so this may take some work on your part. You can google obgyns in your area and google.com has some reviews you can look at. Or, ask around your neighborhood.

My doctor gave me an ultrasound straight off the bat. The first visit he scooted everyone out of the ultrasound room and let me see the babe. It was great. And, any time I got scared he`d let me take another look at an appointment.

This is my third pregnancy and that ob had to close his practice. The insurance was just too high to justify continuing. He sent his patients to another ob...who I met last week. Have to say, I am still looking for that great ob...again.

---- Edit to respond to the person who posted an article----

I hate when people do that. When they post an article about something they know NOTHING about.

I had the condition. I was seen by my doctor the WHOLE time. He was and is a reproductive endocronologist a specialist in the area on pregnancy. And, pregnancy problems. Which is why people come from the tri-state area to see him. I know women who come into town for weeks at a time just to have him be their fertility doctor.

Each case is different but waiting a year to get pregnant again is extreme.

If people don`t know about the condition why do they even have to post? Just say you don`t know...sheesh.

Is a molar pregnancy possible without having sex?
Q. A friend of mine is going through this but she claims to not have had sex in a very long time. It it possible to have a molar pregnancy without sex?
That's what I was afraid of. Thank you.

A. as mentioned in the site of the american pregnancy association website :
A molar pregnancy is an abnormality of the placenta, caused by a problem when the egg and sperm join together at fertilization.
so there is a sperm and an egg, but the egg maybe abnormal/empty
it just doesn;t happen without fertilization
i won;t say your friend is a liar but this is what is well known about molar pregnancy
to read more:

Can I get pregnant again after experiencing a molar pregnancy?
Q. Hi
I'm going through my first "mistaken miscarriage" or "molar pregnancy". I would like to know will I be able to conceive successfully after experiencing this? If I can, how long should I wait? What are some causes for a molar pregnancy? i know it has something to do with either the sperm being bad or the eggs being damaged, how does that occur?


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