Where can I get grants or scholorships for a native american single mother returning to college?

Q. I've got two little boys, and a GED, I've gotten really good grade in college before, but I've got a lot of withdrawels and incompletes due to transportation problems, sickness, and pregnancy. So my GPA isn't the greatest. I have no idea where to look because I paid for school myself before, but now as a single mother of two, it's no longer an option. I need help, I miss school and want a better life for my children.

A. If you are enrolled in a tribe you should first approach your tribe of enrollment as they may have funds available to you. Give a copy of your tribal enrollment documentation to the school you are planning on attending. Tribal enrollment is the key to accessing scholarships and grants reserved for American Indian students. Good luck and congratulations on your decision to continue your education.

What is the best free pregnancy magazine?
Q. I am looking to subscribe to a free pregnancy magazine. I would love for it to be one that has great coupons in it.
Also, I would be willing to subscribe to one that costs (as long as it isn't too much) as long as it has great deals in it and coupons and great articles.

A. You usually have to sign up with he companies for the coupons. The magazine that I know about is American Baby (it has some articles about pregnancy) and it's pretty good.

What is your opinion on the sex education in American schools?
Q. The US (I've read) has the highest teen pregnancy rate. Do you think our sex ed program is to blame? If not, what?

A. To the first Poster, what a silly thing to say, but you are entitled to your opinion. First of all sexual education should be taught in schools and by parents. Now before every jump on to the bang wagon of who should do what let me say this the reason why teen pregnancy rate is high is because teenagers are not getting the correct information ranging from the basic health care to the more serious topics such as birth control, or condom use etc. Now I can discuss this till I'm blue in the face. Just take five minutes and look at all the questions being asked here on yahoo answers and any adult such as my self will see that young men and women are asking the same basic questions over and over again. Simple information that they should know but they do not because A. some not all are too embarrassed to ask their mother or father B. certain topics are just glazed over which leaves teenagers to question is this normal or not. and C. Due to some religious views some schools and parents do not feel comfortable discussing certain topics with teenagers. There fore that teen will turn around and ask there friends for advice which in turn that friend may not give them the correct answer.

Basically what I'm trying to say that, it is the lack of information and miscommunication between adults and teenagers that is given out. Think of it as this way for example if I say Johnny q has this... but don't do that you are telling the person two different things at the same time. So in tune that teenager will think huh?? I do not understand.

Now I really do not know what the standards are for sexual education in other countries such as Europe or Canada, but here in the US, personally I feel that you cannot have an abstinence only program and by pass the simple basics of sexual health because frankly abstinence does not work. Teenagers will do whatever they feel regardless of sexual education. It is up to the school and parents to be sensitive but firm in what topics should be discussed and how it is perceived by teenagers. When I was young girl for sexual education, my school had all the boys and girls together in one class to talk about the basics such as parts of the body etc. Then what they did is separate the girls in one room boys in another and discussed topics that were age appropriate at that time. Now when I entered high school the same topics where discussed but, the curriculum included more topics such as condom use, STD's, emotional well being etc, things that where age appropriate for a high school student.

If the school system can meet in the middle and come up with a way that will be beneficial for both parents and schools then maybe just maybe teen pregnancy will decline. It is not necessary true that all teen girls will become pregnant, honestly everyone makes mistakes and things happen but if the schools system and parents give teenagers the proper information then teenagers will make the right decisions on having sex.

What would a half native american half white baby look like?
Q. Okay so i'm norwegian, I have light hair, light skin, and blue eyes.
My hubby is very pure (or as close to pure as you can get these days) native american from the klamath falls tribe in Oregon.

Well, I'm pregnant and I'm so very curious into what this baby might look like.

Do you have any ideas?

A. Generally, the baby will have a skin color somewhere between yours and your hubby. At least, that has been the experience of my NA friends (Ojibwe and Navajo). As to other features, no different from any other couple. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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