Whats the deal with getting a pregnancy scan as a visitor in the UK?

Q. Hi, I'm travelling to the London in a couple of weeks and I need to get a pregnancy scan while Im over there. Can someone please tell me what I need to do? Where can I go to get it done? What is the proceedure for an overseas visitor? Any information you or contacts you can give me would be extremely helpful.


A. You need to register with a general practitioner (primary care physician) as a temporary resident-make sure that you have your ante-natal notes-They will assess you and arrange U/S at local hospital as necessary-also important to know how long in UK.
Ask where you are staying about local GP. Lists available in any public library-also in local phone books

Incidentally you would NOT be eligible for NHS treatment as it is not an emergency but a preexisting condition likewise delivery

How do you ladies ttc get through the wait before testing for pregnancy?
Q. I'm 11 days past ovulation now and going crazy wondering if I am pregnant. I've had all the symptoms of my last pregnancies so I think I am, but not knowing is driving me crazy. I tested Thursday afternoon, but it was negative. I'm checking in the morning again at 12 dpo and hoping I get a positive. We'll see. Anyway, how do you other ladies ttc manage to not go crazy waiting to test? It's my first month trying and I'm already going insane!

A. just a day at a time...I remember waiting to test...and now im due my baby in 10 days time, its the same kind of waiting, lol I wish there was a test that told you when labour was near! When testing for pregnancy I bought a batch of early test strips from Ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PRIVATE-25-ULTRA-EARLY-10-mIU-NHS-PREGNANCY-TESTS-/150551258268?pt=UK_Health_HealthCare_RL&hash=item230d8de49c#ht_4296wt_648 - really cheap for lots! I tested so early that even those tests had a very faint positive line, I took one every day for another week, got the same faint line so I "thought" I was pregnant, then I bought a clearblue dig response with conception indicator and it told me I had only conceived 1-2 weeks!

When during pregnancy do you first see an ObGyn in UK?
Q. I have only been living in UK for a year (I am South African) and am still getting to grips with NHS and what to expect. I am 12 weeks preggers with my first and am having my dating / nuchal scan on Thursday. So far I have only seen a not-very-impressive midwife. Who and when can I expect to see from now on?


What is the best pregnancy calendar?
Q. I've tried Google pregnancy and some others, but I was wondering what was the best one around?

A. I like this one. NHS though.

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