How can we help to prevent and someday eradicate abortion, which has touched the lives of so many people?

Q. Abortion in the United States has taken the lives of nearly 46 million Americans since 1973 more than all the wars and acts of terrorism combined. 1 in 3 Black American pregnancies end in Abortion. What is going to be done about this great killer of humanity?
Facts on Abortion in USA

A. They have murdered 47 million people and then they wonder why there is no Social Security money...go figure!

In answer to your question, I think women should keep their legs closed. Works for me!!!

Would Margaret Sanger be happy now that 60% of African American pregnancies end in abortion?
Q. Since she started Planned Parenthood to promote "eugenics" and African Americans were on her list of undesirables. Would she be happy with today's abortion rate among AA women? Would she see it as a success?

A. I would say YES! She and her coharts have what they wanted.

What is the fastest way to obtain American citizenship?
Q. I am pregnant and my boyfriend (who is the father) is American. We are planing to get married sometime in the near future and will go to City Hall tomorrow if necessary. I am here on a student visa now but I will be graduating in May so without citizenship I would have to go back to Canada by November 09.

Please help! Any suggestions are welcome :)

A. You can marry him and then file to adjust your status. That will make you a permanent resident, not a citizen, after three years of being a permanent resident you can apply for citizenship as long as you are still married to him. Go to for free guides and support on how to go ahead. Your pregnancy has no effect on your application.
You are going to have to prove that you and your boyfriend have a genuine relationship, that you don't have a criminal record and that he can support you and the baby. It's not too difficult to get all the forms filled out, it will cost you a little over $1000 and you will be good to go (or stay)

How do I get my female american bulldog to gain her weight back after having puppies?
Q. I have a Johnson American Bulldog that just recently had puppies and lost over 30 pounds in the process. I was wondering what I could be doing for her to gain her weight back quickly because I do not want her getting sick because of her weight loss. What should I do?

A. Thirty pounds sounds like a dangerous amount for a dog to lose during pregnancy/whelping, even for a larger dog like an American Bulldog. I would suggest a vet visit to make sure nothing is causing the weight loss.

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