How do pregnancy tests work?

Q. I had sex about 3 weeks ago and the condom broke. I recently started feeling the typical signs of pregnancy; nauseous, headaches, tender breasts, cramps, bloating, mood swings, insomnia, loss of concentration, cravings, as well as the typical pregnancy discharge. I'm buying a pregnancy test tomorrow but I heard that I won't get results until the time my regular period should come... I feel like shit and I can't wait that long.

Or maybe this whole pregnancy thing is in my head?

A. If you don't wait that long you could get a false negative.

Pregnancy tests measure the amount of HCG in your urine, when a woman becomes pregnant she starts to produce HCG, the hormone doubles every 2-3 days so it's best to wait until you miss your period for 2 reasons.

Reason 1 is because you might get your period on time and you wasted money and time testing too early. Reason 2 there might not be enough HCG in your urine to be detected on a hpt because it starts of with a small amount and increases overtime.

Can I be pregnant with Negative at home pregnancy test?
Q. Today I am exactly 1 week late with my period. I have not had any unusual stress that I can think of that would have caused my period to be late. I have taken 3 tests this past week and they have all been negative. I am having some symptoms that could relate to the early signs of pregnancy: Nausea, Headaches, Fatigue, I get slight sharp pains in my stomach and also a little bloating. Has anyone experienced this? Negative tests, but pregnant?

A. You could be pregnant. I would wait a few more days before testing again. Also make sure to test with your first urine of the day since it is more concentrated. If it still comes back negative then you may want to call your doctor. Also women do miss periods for no reason at all. It may be nothing. If you do wait and miss another period i would definitely call the doctor since their may be something going on that is messing with your cycles. Also some women don't test positive on a pregnancy test until much later. The most accurate would be a blood test from your doctor. Hope this helps!

When is the best time to take pregnancy test?
Q. Had my period june 24, lasted about 3 days. I'm on birthcontrol and take it everyday. Getting symptoms for pregnancy(constant headache, sore breasts, cramps and mood swings). When would be a good time to take a home pregnancy test? Would it be too early considering I had my period on the 24?

A. id say when you have to urinate.

When is the best time to take pregnancy test?
Q. Had my period june 24, lasted about 3 days. I'm on birthcontrol and take it everyday. Getting symptoms for pregnancy(constant headache, sore breasts, cramps and mood swings). When would be a good time to take a home pregnancy test? Would it be too early considering I had my period on the 24?

A. You don't test in relation to your period, you test in relation to when you had sex last. If you are on bc then you shouldn't be pregnant and your symptoms can be from that. Test 3 weeks from when you last had sex or after a missed period.

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