How long after you lost your mucus plug did you go into labor?

Q. I started losing my mucus plug a week ago today... I'm 36 weeks today. I've been losing a little bit each day. I was wondering how long after you lost your mucus plug that you went into labor? I am SO ready for this baby to be here! I know every pregnancy is different. Some women lose it a month before, and some lose it when labor starts... but just wondered when you did?

A. I started to lose my mucus plug at 32 weeks, had premature labor a few days later, but didn't actually have my son until I was 42 weeks. What I am saying is don't be to excited about going to the hospital soon, but do have your hospital bag backed because one you are already getting close to your due date and two your body is making the preparations for labor. Labor can happen any time but its always good to be ready to go.

When is the mucus plug supposed to come out?
Q. I am 26 weeks pregnant. Not sure if the mucus plug is coming out or it's just pregnancy discharge. I know, kinda a gross question. But wondering when it's supposed to come out and how do you know the difference between that and regular discharge. Thanks!

A. it usually comes away not long before labour starts, but when you are pregnant you do have alot of mucus and it comes and goes at different times during your pregnancy. You'll know if it's your plug cause it will be about the size of a 50 cent piece and it will be thick and bloody. See your doctor if your still worried.

How do you know when you lose your mucus plug?
Q. I am 34.4 weeks pregnant and this is my first pregnancy and I was wondering, how do you know when you lose your mucus plug? What is it or what does it look like?

A. it was almost looked like spotting and some of it seemed like a clear discharge with pink. u will know when u lose it when u feel "wet" like as if u had a lot of discharge come out. the mucous plug is a small amount of fluid that seals the cervix (opening of ur uterus).

Can your mucus plug have a brown tint to it?
Q. I'm not sure if it was my mucus plug or not, but I just went to the bathroom and notice a some what large snot like discharge on my underwear. When I wiped it off it had a brown tint to it. With my first pregnancy my mucus plug was more clear with a slight blood streak in it. So I'm not sure if this too is my mucus plug or just normal discharge.

Thanks ladies for your answers.

A. My mucus plug with my first had brown in it --- especially if I had just recently had a cervical exam or had sex. Brown is just old blood.

This pregnancy my mucus plug hasn't had any tint to it --- just yellowish/clearish mucus.

It can range anywhere from clear to yellow ... and with small amounts of pink, red or brown blood in it ... or none at all.

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