How long after birth do pregnancy symptoms go away?

Q. My due date was yesterday and I am so looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. How long after you gave birth did your pregnancy symptoms stop?
Constipation, waking up sweating, being able to wear my old clothes, etc.

A. Every woman and every pregnancy (even it's lingering effects) are individual.
Sorry but there is no time limit.
Good luck though!!

How early on in pregnancy does constipation start?
Q. Just want to know from experience....does it start right away or are you months into pregnancy before it starts. thanks!

A. Constipation is not a normal stage of pregnancy. If you are eating a healthy diet it should not be an issue. I have four children and never had a problem with it.

What are the chances that a home pregnancy test could be wrong?
Q. I got a negative test yesterday and if I were pregnant I would be about 4 and a half weeks. what are the chances that this could have been wrong? The reason why I'm asking is because I am having some symptoms that are related to early pregnancy, such as fatigue, constipation, dark nipples, gassy like burping and upset stomach.
I forgot to add that I also have bloating and have gained about 3 pounds.

A. It's highly possible. I took a few first response tests and they were negative. They are supposed to tell you 6 days BEFORE your missed period. I took them AFTER my missed period and they were still negative. I didn't get a positive until a week after my missed period and by then I was in my 5th week. So it's highly possible. Best of luck to you! Hope I helped!! :D

How long after your pregnancy , do you start feeling bloated?
Q. How long after your pregnancy , do you start feeling bloated?
And do you get acne on your face?

A. Well from my experience, I got bloated in my first month of pregnancy

at what a bummer that was.

I got acne later on in my pregnancy, but alot worser things can and

will occur for some women like hemorrhoids, stretchmarks, constipation

So just enjoy when the time comes for you to finally see the baby

that caused mommy all the problems.

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