Has there been any study on the effects of caffeine and pregnancy?

Q. I don't drink any sodas or coffee, but I do have the occasional glass of tea (like one 20 oz glass per week). I was wondering if there is any proof out there that caffeine is bad for pregnancy.

A. There have been lots of recent studies, which you can find by googling caffine and pregnancy study" and almost all of them say that 1-2 servings of caffine a day (soda, tea, or coffee) does not make a difference. My Dr. told me that I could have a daily cup of coffee and not think twice about it, which kept me sane when I got really tired.

Just make sure that with the teas that you stay away from Green teas (which blocks the absorption of folic acid) and any teas that have additives in it (like diuretic weight loss teas, or teas enanced with things guarana). It's best to have just straight forward herbal tea.

Hope that helps! Enjoy your tea.

Can caffeine hurt a baby when you are pregnant?
Q. If you drink caffeine threw your pregnancy can it hurt the baby?

A. Unless you drink cups of caffeine beverages every day, cup of soda every now and then won't hurt your baby. I'm from Europe and we drink cups of tea every day (whether you're pregnant or not) and the babies are born just fine.

Has anyone been drinking caffeine during pregnancy?
Q. I am 30 weeks pregnant and just can't let that cold cup of ice tea go....I want to have a healthy baby, but I have an addiction to sweet ice tea. Has anyone drank caffeine throughout their entire pregnancy and had a healthy baby.

A. I had the very same addiction, that & coffee coolatas from dunkin donuts :)
I definitely drank less caffeine than usually, sometimes only one-two drinks a week. My daughter was born real healthy :)
But my mom drank caffeine all the time when she was pregnant with my sisters & I. We're all healthy & my husbands mom is addicted to pepsi & drinks it A LOT & she did that with all three of her sons. They all came out healthy.
My parents along with his said that they never even heard of having to cut back on it...
It wasn't always "known" to drink less caffeine & look how many women did it, & had healthy babies. I'm sure your mom & all of your friends moms...

Here is a website that gives you a little more information, facts & myths;

Do I have to cut out sugar and caffeine totally during pregnancy?
Q. What about Caffeine Free sodas?
Or a few pieces of chocolate?
Is it that bad for you?

A. I cut out caffine to some degree but not all of it. You are allowed to drink about 6-8 cups of tea a day. I drank decaffinated tea and caffine-free coke cola (which is exactly the same). Chocolate is fine. My doctor told me to eat what I crave and when I want to.

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