Is cramping during the early part of your pregnancy a bad sign?

Q. I'm 7weeks pregnant & my stomach been cramping on and off.I'm a 1st time mom ! Is this a sign of a etopic pregnancy?

A. Cramping can be from a number of things...when I was pregnant, I hurt in my side and was convinced it was an etopic pregnancy. It wasn' was fine. But serious cramping needs to be checked out immediately by a doctor.

Can i sue for a misdiagnosed etopic pregnancy?
Q. I was misdiagnosed with an etopic pregnancy and treated with mexothrate . a few days later i returned to the er bc i didn't feel right and low and be hold my baby was in my uterus and was never in my tube my levels and went up and all . so ever since then my levels have been going up and down last night i actually passed my baby while sitting on the bed it just feel out i was approximately 8weeks. the ultrasound tech even told me his results never showed etopic so he doesn't understand why they treated me with one or even said it . so my question is can i sue and how would i ?

A. I would talk with a lawyer who knows how to handle this type of case. You seem to have a pretty good one from what you are saying. Go with a good law firm that isn't one of the big monsters. You want them to have the budget to fight but not be so big you get lost in the crowd.

Has anyone ever had an ectopic pregnancy and got surgery for it?
Q. I am 9 weeks along and I just found out that I have an etopic pregnancy in my right tube. This is my first pregnancy so I am very scared. I was just wondering if anyone has went through this before and had one of their tubes removed. I am worried bc I am 22 and I'm worried that with only one tube that it will be harder to get pregnant later on. If you went through this some good advice would help!


Getting lower left side sharp pains in my early pregnancy?
Q. I'm getting sharp stabbing like pains focused in the lower left side. They don't last all day but they come up now and again throughout the day. I'm not bleeding or anything but I am so worried that I have an etopic pregnancy. I also have had an ovarian cyst so I'm not sure if I'm more likely to get an etopic pregnancy because of that. Has anyone else felt these sharp pains before during their first few weeks of pregnancy. Please help!

A. I got those sharp pains this month and found out the 19th two days after i found out my period was late that I was pregnant via blood test. So if they get any worst go to the er and get it checked out, you might just be pregnant by that i mean normal pregnancy in the uterus. :D

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